It's been so long i haven't written anything in this blog.Actually, i don't know how to blog.I'm not a good story teller after all.I created this blog after i've seen my friend's.And there it goes, not evryday entry since i'm always have no idea on what to write, how to write in fun way though.And today, I just go with the flow of my fingers typing whatever popped out from my head.
Narrating on my beloved son, he's now nearly to 12 months and just happened to crawl. At first i am quite worried when seeing him a little bit slow on movement development.However, i guess, not all the baby experience the same development.Some are slow and some are very fast.My hubby used to have his first step during his 8 months'.That was what my in law said. I asked my mom, when was mine?I was slow to walk, i had mine after 1 year old.So, my son is still normal since he carries my gene too.
Feeding my son was once a problem since he ates very little.But now, he's improving.His eczema is still there and i am strictly control his food intake and also mine.However, sometimes, i can resist to eat those food that i love so much in very small amount.It's nearly 1 year and he has been 6 months suffering from eczema.Wonder when it's going to be over.Evryday i pray to Allah to grant my wishes to have him back to normal, living as a healthy kid and can eat various of halal food that He gives on earth. Currently he just eat veges and rice.(Hope he doesn't become vegetarian one day!!!)
Describing the faces of my son is all i can say, he is the cutest ever.Of course i would say that since i am his mother.In being a mother, a position that applies to for the rest of your life when you got the title is fun, tiring but worth it.Looking to him, all my tiredness faded a while especially when he smiles.So cute.Now, he becoming sweeter and sweeter in the way he carries himself.He would cruised to me and climbed me just to hug me.Tapped my shoulder as soothing me to sleep like i always do for him.Sometimes he knows how to joke hubby and me with his naughty look.He's a big boy now, though.He's now capable of doing anything out of my expectation.I love seeing him developing everyday and am not tired to play with him after work just to have the tiny time that left for him and me evryday. If someone would asked me why not sending him to be taken care by grandparents.I would say, he's my son, my responsibility not his grandparents'.I want to see him everyday and i don't mind to go through the hurdles along the way.I am proud of what i am doing and keep improving myself to become a better mom day after day.I want to give the best out of the best to my son so that in future he will not regret on me.
I am still breastfeeding, fully feeding him breastmilk as main feed.Alhamdulillah, I am still have plenty of milk inside. Also some stored in freezer.Happy to see the stock is improving.Hopefully this will last until he reaches 2 years old.I'm glad that i have virtual frends that support breastfeeding.Luckily, i haven't went tough time to defend my policy of breastfeeding.Everyday i pumped twice and love it.It become a routine for me.Although now is Ramadhan, and i'm also fasting, i pray to Allah that my milk will be enough for my son and me myself will not really that tired to entertain the family.Alhamdulillah, so far, i'm still energetic although experiencing lack of sleep and cramps during this fasting months.
Wow, i guess this is the longest post that i write ever!I really wanted to post everyday but always out of idea.Moreover, later i wouldn't have internet connection i guess since i'll be transfer to another office soon.Hopefully, my good heart neighbor who always shared his wireless networks will keep on sharing so that i can write during weekend at home.I think it I would be better off now unless my work will be unfinished business ever!