Sunday, March 28, 2010


What do i do during this late hour? I am not a stay up late kind of person. Actually i just had a little sleep during my kids bedtime..haha...that's typical me since i had children to bear..kihkih..especially when bf...i usually fell asleep too...

When i woke up, rasa2 lapar la pulak..then i went to the kitchen and get something to eat...but...i could not finish the meal as usual...

Being a 8 days temporary single mum really affect my memories...(what's that??)..haha..the thing that i want to share/tell/post



Dulu sibuk nak balik xmenyempat...skang..rindu2 pulak...haih~~~

It's because, I am husbandless right now...and when I was in Edinburgh...i managed to have my ME-time...pergi tgk rocks..and kt sini??..Oh dear...i think i only had once...tu pon 24 hours pon xsampai....

And many more things about edinburgh that i missed very much...eventho when we were there...we quarrel a lot...yeah...and stucked in the house during winter yg almost made me insane because xdpt tour the europe while was there....but i do really those time...each of every minute...

When ever i feel sad...i can go out easily..xyah drive...g Scotmid find something to eat pon dah OK...or g food ok...ASDA got everyday offer...when we were during our term break...since nk g memaner...we will scouting for bargain good stuff really clear my mind is one of my therapy...hehe...

And the best thing life there is so simple...eventho we have to pay the expensive nursery for Aqil...but we were still manage to save some pounds to bring back...wonderful isn't it? It was lot more than we manger to save yearly here with our monthly salary....i always wonder how we did work on it...and if Malaysian bbsit Aqil...mightbe..we could bring triple of what we brought home...or..maybe...that "Eagle Eye" will be ours...eheheh.....

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