Thursday, March 25, 2010

Susu Banyak...Susu Siket...

Anyone yg baca tajuk entry..mesti make known yg this entry is going to be all about breastfeeding. First of all, I am not a breastfeeding hardcore actually..sape la saya kan...hi hi hi...I am just a mother of two with the passion to give the best to my children...and breastmilk feeding, for me is one of them...which i am capable of la kan..because not all mother is gifted with this gift please3x don't blame mothers yg xbreastfeed their children tu..perhaps they've tried but due to many or unsolved diffculties...xdpt nk fully breastfeed...(sape yg xberusehe komen...he he he)...

I am blessed with this gift as according to generations, only me in the family has managed to breastfeed longer and has abundance of milk..I am not sure myself how..but i guess ini rezeki Allah nk beri pd saya...setiap org ade bhgn masing2 kan...betul tak???

Tapi, I know...mesti org still tanya and amaze on how i can have abundance of milk despite of myself yg sgtlah skinny. Now rasa dah OK sket...a little kata laa we'll in the next 4-5 months...chubby lg ke???tgk2...sume longgar balik dah baju2....he.he..he...therefore, saya nk share what I did and how I maintain my milk production other than it is a gift from Allah s.w.t.

1. Doa
Sejak dr mengandung, ni tahu je dh ade heartbeat ni..u know..bila scan yg nampak bentuk kacang panggang tu..i niat dlm hati i nak breast feed anak i sampai cukup haul 2 thn least...inshaAllah...i mintak Allah kurniakn rezeki tu pd saya...selain tu saya rajin baca satu surah ni..Al-Hasyar...diperkatakn...utk membykkn susu bdn..(kalau slh surah ckp mmg ade 1 surah ni)...masa anak first...saya xtanam niat dr ms awal pregnancy...saya tanam niat after dh tahu kebaikan breastfeeding pas attend antenatal class kt ampang putri (promote tuuu..huhu)...since then, hari2 sy doa smoga saya dpt bf anak saya tu...

2. Istiqomah
Ni yg slalu mak2 lomah..dah xistiqomah...kalau mcm mmg keturunan susu byk...xdelah risau sgt...bende ni kene berterusan...cthnya..kalau pump, haruslah consistent...maknanya...hari2 mesti mau pump kt opis..jgnla ngelat2 if you know that ur body is going to produce less if u rajin2 kan diri la...saya anak xbuat stok mcm org lain lain buat sampai ade yg 100 botol pon ada...saya x...sbb sy agak yg buat stok byk2 tu...diorg takut diorg kene travel tinggal anak..tu jer...mcm saya...keje saya xde requirement still buat jugak...actually have to...sbb ms dlm minum susu diproduce byk...haruslah dipam kuar utk elakkn bengkak susu yg saket itewww...ouchhh....

3.Water intake
Minum 3 liter sehari taw utk elak dehydration or haus..kalau bf..mmg cpt haus...dan jugak cpt lapar...tapi...if jenis bdn snang naik tu...control2 la jugak mkn tu kalau nk maintain good figure kalau bdn sekeping cam i ni...mknlah byk2...lg byk susu terhasill..sume jadi susu gamak bila minum air byk..haruslah membuang air pon byk..xpe..bagus...buang toxin dlm badan kn...ehehe...Yg jd kerisuan is masa bulan puasa sahur minum air byk2...dan jugak masa berbuka pon sama......;)

Beruntunglah isteri2 yg dpt motivation drpd suami2 mereka..tu yg paling drpd suami...selain tu..kenelah berkwn dgn org2 yg bf ckp...'hardcore' bab bf2 akan mendpt aura bf yg baik drpd mereka2 terigt diri sy sgt2 determined utk bf was ms antenatal class bab breastfeeding...nurse2 situ yg membuat sy teruja utk bf selps baby lahir..kata2 semangat tu la...yg buat sy nekad utk bf xkire ape usehe skalipon...alhamdulillah..suami pon sokong..and we all xpnah g survey brg2 baby..termasuk survey susu FM sbb dlm mindset...dh set...i want to fully bf my babies...yeahh~~~

5. Research
Wat researchlah sikit psl bf ni...jgn menonong...lgpon drpd research ni..dpt tahu kebaikan2 bf ni bersemangat...dan our determination tu...lg bertambah strong...dulu2 la anak fes..suka baca forum ibu2 suke baca article psl bf..xkire di mn2...dan rs kembang kuncup jer hidup yg xberapa nk mancung ni...bila baca artikel2 tu psl i am one of the bf mother la....hahaha..bangga tawwww....dan jugak bertuah sbb dpt bf anak2 saya...alhamdulillah....

Susu byk ke...susu siket ke...berusaha la nk menten bf pd sape2 yg nk menikmati keunggulan pengalaman bf bf yg sulung tu..2 thn 4 bulan...manisss...manisss...kali ni utk adik..inshaAllah...2 thn jugak....sbb sy sgt rindu utk menikmati saat2 manis itu yeah...lain anak...lain manis nya...xsama...walau 2-2 lelaki tulen belaka....hahaha...

Eh...cukupla...xlrt la nk sambung dah entry ni...i ada keje opis yg harus disiapkn di rumah....????

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