Thursday, May 27, 2010

2019 bankruptcy

I read a newspaper, a free one this late afternoon while in the LRT, on the way home. The title said, we are going into bankruptcy in 2019 if the govt does not move to cut off the subsidy...

I was a bit confused.....HOW IS THIS HAPPENING???

Then, i turned into another page, I saw Datuk Idris Jala face, and I just new he is a minister now, and I get to know that he is among the brilliant guy in economic/finance (something like that la...haha..) and he helps almost bankrupt company to heal..everybody knows his credibility as CEO/finance advisor...i read what he said in the newspaper...

MALAYSIAN GOVT HAS 52% DEBT over profit...??? WHAT??..I am totally in shock!!!

I wonder, how govt came with such a high debt...where was the strategized planning in Malaysia economic before???..what happen to all the NEPs before???...weren't the planning should help a lot...and yet the above statement came out after years of having NEP???...OMG...

What are the impact of the cut off subsidy??

In my understanding...when i read the news...

1. There are cost saving to govt.
2. Food cost become high
3. Petrol price will hike
4. Benefits the poor
5. highly affected is the middle income...(i think, middle income with large family, will somehow turn into poor.....hmm.., the rich people does not affected that much...)


- higher tax pay
- higher cost of living (food, transport, water, electricity etc - tol naik, gula naik, tepung naik...sume pon naik tauuu...)


- cost saving
- profit from tax


He also stated that Malaysia is among the most highest subsidised country in the world..and what's wrong with that??

For the poor and low income, they do not feel the burning sensation because they don't pay tax...i pay a lot of tax...yes..also for business people (SMEs) they also do not pay tax...yet...we are sharing the same subsidy as well...i am not criticising or condemning...but just....

I don't think we, Malaysian must live without subsidy...Other country also has subsidy...and even, when I was in Scotland...i did not pay the water bill..and even the tax....even education is free...aren't they subsidised by the govt???...and they did not fuss about foreigners enjoying the same thing with the local......hmmm....


schazzy said...

thanx joely for posting clear skit pemahaman i ntentang subsidi punye issue ni..i kureng mengerti aspek2 finance ni, so kalau bace paper pun cam blur je..(i kan blonde) hehehe...keep on posting ur views..and i like the cartoons as well~!! :)

Ms J said...

hihi..thanks shaz...aku dulu xamik pot psl isu2 semasa...just recently baru learn to open up my eyes and ears as well as my heart to understand the current trend of lifestyle and living....makin modern kita...makin costly....

p/s: i made to understand that during economic crisis 1997, Tun had made a wise decision not to loan from IMF, which make our ringgit quite stable now...=)