Saturday, May 22, 2010


Whats with the topic???..All are are the full name for each:

SAHM -- Stay At Home Mum

WAHM -- Working At Home Mum

FWM -- Fully Working Mum

PTWM -- Permit-to-work Mum..ehhh nope..hehe..Part Time Working Mum..=)

Nowadays, most women go to work...and less stay at home..and..most working women, they got married a little late...(tp ada gak yg kawen awal...gatey sgt kan...tu yg kawen awal tu...ehehe..)

If we realised, when we were started working, we feel mcm xstable financially...and start thinking of a stable life...iaitu..kawen dh bertambah..


Tak semestinye kawen tu financially stable tau..sebenarnye..there are a lot more than that...and...bile dah terlajak drpd umur spatut kawen..(berapa yer umur patut kawen..=)) kita akan rs sgt stabil with our own financial and rs syiok pulak hidup single...

LAIN PULAK dgn mereka2 yg dh jadik mak org ni...

Anak dh ramai...ada suami..ada rumah...anak anta kt org/nursery/tadika...utk 8-9 jam 5 hari setiap minggu...2 hari jer hari bersama...terhadkn..utk mak2 yg bekerja sepenuh masa...merungut2 masih jugak terus bekerja...WHY???


Bila keluarga dh besar...expenses pun besar hati masih lg rs serba salah kan???..anak ditinggalkan..rumah xterurus....hmm...solution amik maid pulak....=)

Kawan2 sy ramai yg bijak merancang ms depan...ade yg WAHM, ada yg part time...even diorg ni asalnye mempunyai kerjaya yg demi keluarga...sanggup berkorban...maklumlah..zaman skang mmg penuh dgn cabaran...apepun, saya wish ALL THE BEST utk kwn2 yg telah amik langkah drastik itu...( slalu ckp..blajar tinggi2 tp jd housewife or xkeje ikot degree yg diambil...rugi lah!!..apepun..tu persepsi org kan...=))

Ape pun decision yg telah diambil, we have to accept the consequences dgn redha...betul x?...=)

Life without challenges..would be so bored...don't you think so???...=)

Yeah it's work 24/7, 365 days...non-stop.....=)

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