Saturday, December 6, 2008

Wishlists After Exam....

In the midst of preparing exams, I'm always have thought of the after exam wish lists.It's not things that I wish I'll receiving (eventhough it's Christmas!) but things that I've always wanted to do since I get here but didn't have courage to do.They are hmm..I should have list in order but I guess for this post, I just put all that came into thoughts:

1. On the 17 Dec, last paper, going out to Planet Asia for shopping asian food igt nk cari maggi kari laa dgn kicap kipas udang dgn sos cili maggi..)

3. Outing???..hmmm...OMNI carboot sale...

4. Baking???..kek batik...icing cake..(boleh ke ni?)...

5. Pastry??..currypuff

6. Italian food??..spageti

7. Gardening??..dah semak sgt garden...kene clear off if the wheather permits..meaning not snowing...nk tnm ape ek....spring onions nk cari benih free ekk????

8. Decor Art??...nk decor sket umah yg xbp cantik berseri...ceyyy...gune bhn kitar semula je la kot....nk save duit...

9. Continue with mercedes hunting...wakakaka....nk blike x ekkk....

10.Await for boxing day - pegi Livingston...wahhhh....

11.Runabout???...hmmm..winter la pulak...sejuk....nk g tgk thomas the tank engine....boleh ke???

12.Upgrading this blog...make it cheerful with colors, pictures and learn from expert on how to make beautiful blog...ceyyy...

Above all, most of them are for 'makan-makan'...Well, I am quite a good eater here as I always eat and eat whenever I see HALAL food.But, my weight is still stagnant and really hope it is going to go up when I return to Malaysia.Really praying hard for this as I am really frustrated as my weight isn't look good on me and i feel i'm not a pretty mum...sob..sob..still young and vibrant but ugly...Allright, enaugh of that frustration, I'll update whatever wish lists above after exam diets.....

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