Baby Asif was delivered normal with weight slightly more than 4kg, just slightly..but the size was the same as Aqil.I was delighted I managed to deliver him safely as many said that my size is too small to deliver big babies...and i prove it wrong...inilah kuasa Allah...:)..but bb Asif kuar xnanges..kene paksa nanges..barulah menangis...same like Aqil..xnanges gak...after a while baru nanges..muka dia merah...bdn pon merah....and it was said, ms kuar tu...cord lilit kt neck dia...wallahualam..bila tgk gambar ms die baru kuar..xnmpak pon cord around his neck...
Aqil is so syg to Asif, can't tell in words how much Aqil lives his bro.Always kiss his bro sampai lemas menengoknya..but rs xpatut pulak nk tegah as, this is the time to connect both of them...mudah2 rapatlah diorg as sibling...:)..Aqil? still like baby....but i love to see him..a lots of tough time i went thru with him that unforgettable...Aqil was really tough...yet he is really 'manja'...
Aqil ms umur 1 month plus
Asif ms umur 3 minggu lebih
Rupa paras..still not confirmed as muka Asif berubah2 dr hari ke hari...he is still merah...and even Aqil pon berubah2...ape pon..hopefully both of them will grow up dan menjadi hamba Allah yg beriman dan anak2 yg soleh...Amin....
bestnya dpt baby..anak akak yg kecik nih pun baru masuk 3 tahun..nak tambah..cik abg suruh hold dulu..hehe..letih layan 3 askar nih..lebih2 nak layan 2 askar tu..abg sulong dah boleh paham dah..
apa2 pun..tahniah yek jolie..
comeyy... :D
kak ma: yelah..anak kita kan sebaya ade sorg tu kan...hihihi...xpe..kak ma ade 3 org baru 2...:)..nk tambah lg...kene tunggu lg 3 thn...lama kan..pehtu...dtg balik takut nk beranak nk lg risau kene potong...
liza: baby sume comey...aku suka tease kasi nanges seblum kasi susu..hahaha....suka tgk muka cebik2...:P
amin :D
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