Friday, November 26, 2010

Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallow Part 1

Yess, in the end, I managed to watch this long awaited movie!

I took a leave today just to watch this movie with my hubby! Even I took leave, I still had to go to office this morning due to being responsible for what I've arranged before for work!

I thought, TGV would have a screen for it around 2pm, but no. Ended up, we watched it at GSC. And it was my first GSC experience at 1Utama. That's the nearest GSC that we can go.

In the cinema, they played the advert for about 20 - 30 minutes before the movie start! Imagine we were there from 2.40pm...and after 3 pm then, the real Harry Potter came out. It was very dissapointing!! The advert took so long and it wasting our time! The movie ended up around 5.30pm..and we rushed home in a hurry to avoid heavy traffics!

My personal opinion on the movie, was not so bad. The plot was played consistently, but, of course you will feel more if you have read the story book. I think...I think yeah..I've read part of it...but haven't finish it! I must get the book finish...need to buy one I guess. I can't remember where I read the book.

I like to see those 3 best friends together again. They look just perfectly together! I would say, I admire this movie because of the props they used are fantastic, marvellous! It makes me feel like I am in the other part of the world...even I is total an imaginary movie! They really doing a great job! I like!

Can't wait for the Part 2! I guess, if they made this Harry Potter, from Book 1 to Book 7 like the korean drama series, the story will be elaborated much better. One doesn't have to read the book to know the inside story which can't be acted in the movie...


Along said...

Kat GSC Midvalley takde Harry Potter ek?

Ms J said...

Ou paling snang nk g as compared to midvalley..hehe