Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Scene 1:

Dalam kereta,

Aqil: Mama, nnt opah balik ipoh, sape nk kawan saya tido?
Mama: Aqil tidola sorang2.
Aqil: Alaaaa...xnak...jgn kasi opah balik ipoh tau mama...
Mama: Hmm...opah kene balik, tgk atuk..
Aqil: Ala, jgn kasi opah balik ipoh tau mama..
Mama: Aqil ikotlah opah balik ipoh..
Aqil: Mama?
Mama: Mama keje...
Aqil: Adik?
Mama: Adik tinggal la dgn mama, adik kn minum susu kat mama..
Aqil: Hmm, kalau camtu, saya pon kene tinggal lah...

Since opah came, he sleeps with his opah in his room. He sleeps on his bed, then, opah has to sleep on the floor. However, when he awakes somewhen during the night time, he may transfer himself to the floor, sleeping next to his opah. So penakut la this little boy.

He has been "penakut" quite a while now. I always asked him why, did he had nightmares, what kind of nightmares to make him tell me the reason behind his behavior. Because, it is just so weird! Even to watch tele, he will ask anyone of us to accompany him. As well as going for toilet!

Last night I asked him politely, what went wrong that make him behave like that. I even told him, that Allah is always with us. Why so afraid of?And that, our home is not that big to feel so awry. (I pun penakut jugak sebenornye! hehe). But he kept silent, looking at the ceiling. At that time, he was waiting for opah to finish solat.

He was so curious that why opah solat so many times and take a long time to complete. So, I explained to him ( I don't know whether he can receive it or not but still explaining) about the RUKUN ISLAM (mak pon dh terlupe susunan..teruknye!) and I explained to him about SYURGA and NERAKA resultance of doing what ALLAH ruled out and prohibits.

I always wonder what he did learn at school. He has been "penakut" since he always told me that he watched "SYETAN" at school. And keeps saying that SYETAN masuk api neraka. Then, he keeps comparing, bad people just like SYETAN, and will go to hell. I was so surprised with his statement anyway. He is just 4 and half years old. And he easily get angry with small little things, not like before, he speaks politely, ask politely, but now, if late a few seconds or I need to attend on something else, he will throw his tantrum so bad. I wonder...I wonder...ada gangguan kah???


Nurul Ulfa said...

well joely I had read a book about parenting in Islam the author is from UK. Based on his experiencing his said sometimes is not good to teach ur son about syaitan and to be afraid of Allah at an early age. He gave an example of a true story, there was a boy who was always afraid and veriy timid his teacher noticed that behaviour and confronted the boy parents, when the parents investigate the boys was so afraid of Allah he keep on saying that Allah is watching him 24/7 he feel so afraid.

The author say yes we must introduce Allah to our son but our approach must suite his age..according to the author it is best to introduced about the islamic value first what is right and wrong but about the punishment let not be to harsh...the author also mention about telling the stories about the prophet be selective esspecially when our son are still young...certain stories are still not appropiate..

bila fikir balik ada betulnya jugak..sbb masa tu khaizuran ada tanya pasal raya haji nak cerita nabi ibrahim disuruh menyembelih anak dia dan untuk mendapatkan keredhaan Allah dia sanggup berkorban rasa macam tak sesuai untuk khaizuran yg baru berusia 3 tahun ++ so ufa amik approach of telling him about sacrifice..some stories about mukjizat rasanya masih kurang sometiems kita kena be quite selective..bukan tak nak perkenalkan lgsg tapi sometimes we have to be patient and do it step by step..

joely kena try tanya cikgu dia apa yg diajar kat sekolah terutama bab pahala dosa n pasal syaitan..takut aqil masih tak boleh terima benda tu daripada sorg yg berani jd penakut..ufa punya pendekatan bila my boys takut2 ufa ajak dia baca doa sama2 fatihah ke ayat kursi kata bila baca ayat tu Allah n malaikat jaga kita hilang sikit rasa takut...

Ms J said...

I agree with you ulfa..since kite send Aqil to this islamic kindy yg he keeps talking non-stop about syetan and evrything...sampai myself pon naik cuak...i never tought him stuff like that at home..all he gets from the kindy...i was so surprised...nk tuka kindy...but locationwise never suits our requirement..and we've already invest a lot to this kindy...and the other good islamic kindy, not providing full day susah ler utk working parents as I xprefer pindah2 tpt ni..

Aqil pon ade cerite, ms amik from kindy tu, die tgk syetan kt tv..I don't know waht kind of approach they're using...I already highlight to my hubby, i nk tuka kindy but xde kindy yg full day yg berdekatan...only this kindy yg ade full day course kt situ...and the way they guide the kids pon i think mcm salah...sbb cikgu yg buatkn homework/exam...tgk2 dpt no 1...wth?? sbb i tested him kt rumah...few numbers/alphabet...still xley i mcm frustrated sgt2...i spoke to my hubby dah...mmg really i kene tuka kindy...better anta kindy biasa2 drpd anta kindy mhl tp akademik not grabbing anything...hmm..thanx ulfa for highlighting this..:)

shazzy said...

thanx joely for posting this and oso tu Ulfa for the comment. am learning a lot from this. betulgak kan..kita nak the best for our kids tp kena consider dia punye age jugak..whether dia bole terima atau tak benda2 yg mungkin blum terjangkau dek fikiran dia.. budak umur 2-5 ni mmg cepat je absorb ape2..

Ms J said...

shaz, tulah..sometimes people terlps pandang bende2 camni....and even ms dgr ade ceramah solat...they showed to kids...primary school kot..sbb dgr suara kecik2 ajer...gamabr2 yg xsihat...for me bende tu shud dipositive by showing gamab2 yg elok..not leave them in fear...but in good feeling to do good things...

ida ahmad said...

tq all. korang mmg betul. kita kena selective. aku sendiri dah lupa tp mmg aku ada pengalaman sendiri la. masa kecik, ada certain time yg mak sedara yg tlg jaga. mak sedara ni yg banyak cerita hal2 agama. mana yg ok, tu oklah tp ada yg scary jg. aku dulu doa bg mati awal so that tak nak masuk neraka. bukannya buat baik so that boleh masuk syurga.