Baru hari Rabu, dah nk cerita pasal weekend. Hehe..maklumlah, this coming weekend will be a not-so-long weekend, ala, 3 hari jer cuti. Ada kwn dah tanya, apa plan saya. Apa yer plan weekend ni?
Jom kita main masak-masak nak? Tak lama lagi ade Malaysia Masterchef, apa la agaknye masakan diorg nnt yeh? International dishes ke, asian dishes ke...hmm...can't wait to watch it in all malay language. Hrp2 jgn ikot skrip sudah...skema sgt bunyik nyer!! Xreal!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Saket Telinga
Semalam masa nk amik Aqil dari tadika, belikan la sedikit kuih-kuih utk die makan sementara tunggu dinner. Sebabnya, setiap kali balik dr tadika, mesti ckp, "Mama, saya lapar ni, ada makanan?" Then, mmg die sendiri akan cari lah. Tambah skang ni saya single, jd pakat bli ajerlah kuih-kuih tu. Bila suami ada, saya buatlah siket2 ajer kt rumah, macam cekodok ke, tp suami mrh sbb oily, pehtu yg kecik die suke lenyek2 cekodok tu, xmkn. Tapi Aqil mmg sgt happy kalau saya buatkn kuih utk dia. Kdg-kdg rs surprise, anak sebesar 4thn ni tahu nk menghargai orang dan jaga hati org terutama hati mama dia.
Sampai umah, pas amik adik, tetiba Aqil terbaring kat sofa. Saya tanyalah kenapa baring jer, macam xsihat. Naluri ibu, mesti dpt tangkap ade yg xkena dgn anak dia. Lepas tu saya tgk muka dia macam nk menangis. Saya tanyalah kenapa sekali lg. Dia ckp, dia saket. Saya tanya lagi, saket kt mana? Hati dah mula risau, yelah, sorang-sorang nk handle difficult situation, gabra jugak. Sbb rs xmenang tgn jer sbb dah ada 2 org anak.
Lepas tu Aqil buka cerita. Dia cakap dia saket telinga, even baring pon telinga yg xsaket yg atas bantal. Saya tanya lagi, Cemane leh saket? Ade gigi nk tumbuh ke? Saya pon xtahu ape kaitan, saya assume mungkin sbb geraham nk tumbuh ke kan. Saya tanya telinga lg satu saket ke tidak, die jawab tak. Lepas tu, dia bagitahu ada cikgu tarik telinga dia masa blajar sbb dia xtahu membaca. Die pun bagitahu nama cikgu tu, tp sy mmg xknal yg mn satu, cikgu2 situ xpakai nametag, saya kenal muka jer...ehehe..Saya pun agak terkejut, sbb principle tadika dia dh maklumkan hukuman-hukuman bg pelajar2 nakal, xde pulak tarik telinga tu dibenarkn. Dan disbbkn kenakalan barulah pelajar tu dihukum, itupun akan dimaklumkn kepada ibu bapa.
Saya tahu Aqil ni nakal, budak lelaki, main je byk, mmg die belum mahir membaca, kdg2 hangin jugak, sbb 2 thn tadika, masih xtahu membaca. Saya pun kdg2 terlps angin radang sy kt dia sbb terlalu kecewa dgn pencapaian dia. Lepas tu saya menyesal sampai nk menangis bila kenangkn kemarahan saya kt dia. Terukkn saya!
Saya pun belek telinga dia, ok, xde ape-ape, mungkin cikgu tu tertarik kuat sgt. Saya tanya die balik, sama ada saya penah tak tarik telinga dia sbb dia notty. Dia geleng kepala. Sampai dia xlalu nk mkn nasi walau saya suapkan sbb dia ckp, telinga dia saket. Saya mmg questioned dia betul nak pastikn dia xkeliru dgn sebab yg dia beritahu saya. Lepas tu, saya promise, saya akan ckp dgn cikgu @ ustazah dia pasal hal tu.
Kemudian, sy masih xpuas hati, sbb saya xnak, hal kecil Aqil perbesarkn. Jadi, saya mintak die demo kat saya. Saya mintak dia tarik telinga saya utk sahkan cerita dia. Then suddenly...die geleng kepala, saya tanya kenape,
"Sebab SAYANG..."
Masa tu rs luluh hati sy dgr ape yg kuar dr mulut dia. Terharu sgt bila dgr dia ckp camtu. No wonder, die xpnah kasar dgn adik dia, dan bising-bising mulut saya ms die suke pukul2 saya dulu tu, berkesan kt dlm diri dia. Anak sekecil 4 thn pun dah tahu erti kasih sayang, iaitu bila kita sayang org, kita xkn harm org tu, kita akan protect org tu.
Saya xheran kalau ade ibubapa yg mrh cikgu sbb pukul anak dia. Tapi kenelah rasional. Sebab kalau overprotected, nnt jadi lain pulak. Pada saya, hukuman utk tujuan mendidik dan tidak keterlaluan, selagi xmendtgkan kecacatan fizikal dan mental kat anak-anak saya, saya masih buleh tolerate lg. Saya pon dulu pnah kene cubit sampai lebam dgn cikgu masa sekolah rendah sbb xhantar keje sekolah.
Kadang-kadang, cikgu pun perlu igt, bila mendidik anak-anak kecil, perlu kesabaran yg sgt tinggi, mereka amanah org, jagalah amanah tu baik-baik, sbb sume org bakal disoal diakhirat kelak. Sebab tu, pekerjaan pendidik ni sgt mulia kalau pendidik tu ikhlas hatinya.
Sampai umah, pas amik adik, tetiba Aqil terbaring kat sofa. Saya tanyalah kenapa baring jer, macam xsihat. Naluri ibu, mesti dpt tangkap ade yg xkena dgn anak dia. Lepas tu saya tgk muka dia macam nk menangis. Saya tanyalah kenapa sekali lg. Dia ckp, dia saket. Saya tanya lagi, saket kt mana? Hati dah mula risau, yelah, sorang-sorang nk handle difficult situation, gabra jugak. Sbb rs xmenang tgn jer sbb dah ada 2 org anak.
Lepas tu Aqil buka cerita. Dia cakap dia saket telinga, even baring pon telinga yg xsaket yg atas bantal. Saya tanya lagi, Cemane leh saket? Ade gigi nk tumbuh ke? Saya pon xtahu ape kaitan, saya assume mungkin sbb geraham nk tumbuh ke kan. Saya tanya telinga lg satu saket ke tidak, die jawab tak. Lepas tu, dia bagitahu ada cikgu tarik telinga dia masa blajar sbb dia xtahu membaca. Die pun bagitahu nama cikgu tu, tp sy mmg xknal yg mn satu, cikgu2 situ xpakai nametag, saya kenal muka jer...ehehe..Saya pun agak terkejut, sbb principle tadika dia dh maklumkan hukuman-hukuman bg pelajar2 nakal, xde pulak tarik telinga tu dibenarkn. Dan disbbkn kenakalan barulah pelajar tu dihukum, itupun akan dimaklumkn kepada ibu bapa.
Saya tahu Aqil ni nakal, budak lelaki, main je byk, mmg die belum mahir membaca, kdg2 hangin jugak, sbb 2 thn tadika, masih xtahu membaca. Saya pun kdg2 terlps angin radang sy kt dia sbb terlalu kecewa dgn pencapaian dia. Lepas tu saya menyesal sampai nk menangis bila kenangkn kemarahan saya kt dia. Terukkn saya!
Saya pun belek telinga dia, ok, xde ape-ape, mungkin cikgu tu tertarik kuat sgt. Saya tanya die balik, sama ada saya penah tak tarik telinga dia sbb dia notty. Dia geleng kepala. Sampai dia xlalu nk mkn nasi walau saya suapkan sbb dia ckp, telinga dia saket. Saya mmg questioned dia betul nak pastikn dia xkeliru dgn sebab yg dia beritahu saya. Lepas tu, saya promise, saya akan ckp dgn cikgu @ ustazah dia pasal hal tu.
Kemudian, sy masih xpuas hati, sbb saya xnak, hal kecil Aqil perbesarkn. Jadi, saya mintak die demo kat saya. Saya mintak dia tarik telinga saya utk sahkan cerita dia. Then suddenly...die geleng kepala, saya tanya kenape,
"Sebab SAYANG..."
Masa tu rs luluh hati sy dgr ape yg kuar dr mulut dia. Terharu sgt bila dgr dia ckp camtu. No wonder, die xpnah kasar dgn adik dia, dan bising-bising mulut saya ms die suke pukul2 saya dulu tu, berkesan kt dlm diri dia. Anak sekecil 4 thn pun dah tahu erti kasih sayang, iaitu bila kita sayang org, kita xkn harm org tu, kita akan protect org tu.
Saya xheran kalau ade ibubapa yg mrh cikgu sbb pukul anak dia. Tapi kenelah rasional. Sebab kalau overprotected, nnt jadi lain pulak. Pada saya, hukuman utk tujuan mendidik dan tidak keterlaluan, selagi xmendtgkan kecacatan fizikal dan mental kat anak-anak saya, saya masih buleh tolerate lg. Saya pon dulu pnah kene cubit sampai lebam dgn cikgu masa sekolah rendah sbb xhantar keje sekolah.
Kadang-kadang, cikgu pun perlu igt, bila mendidik anak-anak kecil, perlu kesabaran yg sgt tinggi, mereka amanah org, jagalah amanah tu baik-baik, sbb sume org bakal disoal diakhirat kelak. Sebab tu, pekerjaan pendidik ni sgt mulia kalau pendidik tu ikhlas hatinya.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Lama betul xwrite entry in this blog. Not too busy but, I think more to MALAS...:)
There were several issues happened to me lately, and it really kills my motivation to do extra things such as writing entry. But I will not going to tell you what were the issues, because it personal, and some people may don't like to read about personal issues here and I myself don't like to get any offensive comments as I had before.
So, lets story about more realistic issue. I just read in the today's newspaper, the MBMMBI.
What is that?? - Mermartabatkan Bahasa Melayu Memperkukuhkan Bahasa Inggeris.- It is an initiative of Ministry of Education towards our education system. It will be implemented starting from Year One pupil.
From what I read, they structured the system so as the pupils will grab both languages and be fluent in both languages. I fully support this initiatives, as I know, it is not easy to come out with a strategic planning, when you need to deal with the high level management approval and endorsement.
What I hope, this system will not get negative feedback from "overconcerns" parents. And actually, I don't see any lacking of our educational system. It's depend on people perception, how do they see it are all in different perspective. Because I was the product of Malaysian Government Education System too.
Thanks to Malaysia Government for giving me such a plentiful of opportunity and benefits to me until I get what I want and improve my standard of living. :)
There were several issues happened to me lately, and it really kills my motivation to do extra things such as writing entry. But I will not going to tell you what were the issues, because it personal, and some people may don't like to read about personal issues here and I myself don't like to get any offensive comments as I had before.
So, lets story about more realistic issue. I just read in the today's newspaper, the MBMMBI.
What is that?? - Mermartabatkan Bahasa Melayu Memperkukuhkan Bahasa Inggeris.- It is an initiative of Ministry of Education towards our education system. It will be implemented starting from Year One pupil.
From what I read, they structured the system so as the pupils will grab both languages and be fluent in both languages. I fully support this initiatives, as I know, it is not easy to come out with a strategic planning, when you need to deal with the high level management approval and endorsement.
What I hope, this system will not get negative feedback from "overconcerns" parents. And actually, I don't see any lacking of our educational system. It's depend on people perception, how do they see it are all in different perspective. Because I was the product of Malaysian Government Education System too.
Thanks to Malaysia Government for giving me such a plentiful of opportunity and benefits to me until I get what I want and improve my standard of living. :)
Monday, April 11, 2011
I saw an advert on TV they are looking for Malaysian MasterChef!!
So, who ever out there who wants to be on real TV contest, go and submit your application form ONLINE!..
Err, I don't know but I guess you can go into find from there!!
This is cool, we will see how our people cook!
Hope all the contestants really have a good skill and of course tastebud too!!!! Why so? Because, I've eaten in some of the hotels, and the taste...huh!, warung tepi jln lagi better!! Huhu! For me, food presentation is not justifying the taste of the food! It must come together for a delicious food!! It's a package after all!
So, anyone interested, go in and get yourself register!! Who knows, you'll be the first MASTERCHEF in Malaysia Edition!!!
Friday, April 8, 2011
Bila hati xtenteram, senang nyer jatuh saket. Penangan stress jadilah srott...srott...hajat hati nk jer MC, tp kaki malasnya nk g klinik sbb pasti, nnt mulut berat nk mintak MC dr doctor...ditambah pulak dgn fobia akibat preskripsi hari tu yg membuatkan saket yg medium bertuka jadi horror ....
solusi, berthn ajerlah kt opis sambil ditemani sebotol air mineral yg dibeli dgn harga RM2.40 - sama harga dgn minyak kete utk 1.5 liter..
Semoga cepat sembuh bintang hati!
Eh, terasa lapar pulak selepas mkn 2 ketul roti RM0.60 + Mee goring RM2
Sape lah sudi nk blanja saya mkn?
Serius xrugi!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
My Creative Cooking
I think the other day, was actually to babble on my cooking experiments. However, on the day I wrote the post, I did not bring my cable to connect my phone to the computer. So, here we go with the first experiment after the return of my husband.
The first one is the tiramisu,

I took the simplest recipe from MYR, which was contributed by one of my friend back in edinburgh actually. The first time I tasted this recipe, it was so marvellous, eating in during the summer outing at the farm, was reallu mouthwatering! Or, err, maybe the taste of the UK ingredients were different?
Here is another close up,

I modified a bit in the recipe which I add some lemon juice which is turn out very yummeh! Oh, all the ingredient can be found in Cold Storage especially for mascarpone cheese and lady finger biscuits.
Another experiment was popped out when there was a lot of bread skin leftovers, since Aqil will request to remove the outer skin of the bread to make his bread with jam.
Actually I was about to open the MYR to get the recipe out as I did once in using bread in the recipe but it turns out failed! So, this time, I was following my guts on the ingredient or I would say, just mixed what ever is there without discounting the right measurement of water and jelly powder! I used a little bit more water to have a jellyish pudding!

Here is the recipe that I made up.
3 layers bread pudding
5-6gm jelly powder
600 ml water - estimated! - kindly refer to the instruction at the jelly packet and add some more water
bread skin or bread - about 1 cup
1 sachet Hi-Goat - can use any other form of milk too or creamer powder, I used this because Aqil is allergic to cow's milk
1/2 cup sugar - you can increase or decrease the amount according to your liking!
pandan leave
2 teaspoon of brown sugar
Food coloring/ flavoring
On stove, heat up about 400ml water + jelly powder + sugar + brown sugar + pandan leave until it boils, then put on slow heat.
Using blender, blend together, the bread + hi goat powder +the remaining water of 200ml or more is OK. Blend until smooth.
Add the blended ingredient into the pudding mixture. Mix it well. Bring it to boils a bit then shut the stove.
Prepare 3 bowls, pour in the pudding into the 3 bowls evenly. Add different food coloring and flavoring to each bowl as you wish.Mix them well until the color evenly distributed.
Then, prepare a 7 inch x 7 inch square tin, pour in the bowl. Bring it to cool under the fan until the surface a little bit hardened.
Then carefully, using a spoon, pour in from side onto the top of the first layer until all have been used up. Bring it to cool.
Then, repeat the above step for the third layer. Bring it to cool under the fan before putting in the fridge.
So simple right? I was so happy when first cutting the pudding, I can see the three layers....:)

Happy trying!
The first one is the tiramisu,

I took the simplest recipe from MYR, which was contributed by one of my friend back in edinburgh actually. The first time I tasted this recipe, it was so marvellous, eating in during the summer outing at the farm, was reallu mouthwatering! Or, err, maybe the taste of the UK ingredients were different?
Here is another close up,

I modified a bit in the recipe which I add some lemon juice which is turn out very yummeh! Oh, all the ingredient can be found in Cold Storage especially for mascarpone cheese and lady finger biscuits.
Another experiment was popped out when there was a lot of bread skin leftovers, since Aqil will request to remove the outer skin of the bread to make his bread with jam.
Actually I was about to open the MYR to get the recipe out as I did once in using bread in the recipe but it turns out failed! So, this time, I was following my guts on the ingredient or I would say, just mixed what ever is there without discounting the right measurement of water and jelly powder! I used a little bit more water to have a jellyish pudding!

Here is the recipe that I made up.
3 layers bread pudding
5-6gm jelly powder
600 ml water - estimated! - kindly refer to the instruction at the jelly packet and add some more water
bread skin or bread - about 1 cup
1 sachet Hi-Goat - can use any other form of milk too or creamer powder, I used this because Aqil is allergic to cow's milk
1/2 cup sugar - you can increase or decrease the amount according to your liking!
pandan leave
2 teaspoon of brown sugar
Food coloring/ flavoring
On stove, heat up about 400ml water + jelly powder + sugar + brown sugar + pandan leave until it boils, then put on slow heat.
Using blender, blend together, the bread + hi goat powder +the remaining water of 200ml or more is OK. Blend until smooth.
Add the blended ingredient into the pudding mixture. Mix it well. Bring it to boils a bit then shut the stove.
Prepare 3 bowls, pour in the pudding into the 3 bowls evenly. Add different food coloring and flavoring to each bowl as you wish.Mix them well until the color evenly distributed.
Then, prepare a 7 inch x 7 inch square tin, pour in the bowl. Bring it to cool under the fan until the surface a little bit hardened.
Then carefully, using a spoon, pour in from side onto the top of the first layer until all have been used up. Bring it to cool.
Then, repeat the above step for the third layer. Bring it to cool under the fan before putting in the fridge.
So simple right? I was so happy when first cutting the pudding, I can see the three layers....:)

Happy trying!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Jom Skolah!
Lega 50% hati ni bila dah register sekolah utk Aqil pagi td. Register online, tp kene g gak skolah tu utk validation. Suami bising sbb ms register letak current address, takut tak xdpt tempat kt skolah tersebut. Maklumlah, sekolah tersebut dikatakan sekolah contoh kt area tu dan location pulak, mmg bukan area 1km radius dr rumah lah!
Kadang geram pon ada, sbb kementerian sibuk nk letak penempatan budak2 skolah kt sekolah yg paling hampir dgn rumah parents. Dah kalau parents 2-2 bekerja, relevan ke? Serupa gak, kalau emergency, kene call parents dr office jugak jwpnye. Jadi, kami decided nk masukkn sekolah on the way g keje, snang drop by, and tambahan, kompeni kini sdg dlm tempoh pilot implementation utk flexi hours, jd my view, xjadi masalah nk drop die kat skolah pagi2 on the way g keje 2 thn lg sbb sekolah tu ala-ala tepi jalan jer, kene masuk siket jer. So, strategik dah tu. Jarak dr rumah pon xjauh, 4 minit drive (kelajuan suami) dah sampai pon, kelajuan saya, double dr itu lah..ehehe..Jarak dr opis pon xjauh, tambah ade AKLEH, mmg 7 minit jer, leh sampai waktu habes skolah depan pintu pagar skolah. Hehehe.
Tapi sume decision, terletak pd kementerian, PPD daerah gombak. Jgn p letak anak sy skolah kt gombak, udahla.Kene pth blkg lak nk anta g skolah sdgkn saya mmg xfamiliar lgsg area gombak sana. Jadi, saya tawakal ajerlah, nak menipu, guna alamat org lain yg rumah dkt2 dgn skolah tersebut, sy rs unethical walaupon cara itu yg paling berkesan dan terjamin. Tapi sy tetap dgn keputusan saya, kalau dpt, Alhamdulillah, kalau xdpt, buleh buat rayuan, xdpt jugak, mungkin di tpt lain lebih baik utk Aqil & Asif...:)
p/s: Doa-doakan application Aqil nk masuk SK Tmn Melawati 2 diterima utk thn 2013 yer! Ameen.
Kadang geram pon ada, sbb kementerian sibuk nk letak penempatan budak2 skolah kt sekolah yg paling hampir dgn rumah parents. Dah kalau parents 2-2 bekerja, relevan ke? Serupa gak, kalau emergency, kene call parents dr office jugak jwpnye. Jadi, kami decided nk masukkn sekolah on the way g keje, snang drop by, and tambahan, kompeni kini sdg dlm tempoh pilot implementation utk flexi hours, jd my view, xjadi masalah nk drop die kat skolah pagi2 on the way g keje 2 thn lg sbb sekolah tu ala-ala tepi jalan jer, kene masuk siket jer. So, strategik dah tu. Jarak dr rumah pon xjauh, 4 minit drive (kelajuan suami) dah sampai pon, kelajuan saya, double dr itu lah..ehehe..Jarak dr opis pon xjauh, tambah ade AKLEH, mmg 7 minit jer, leh sampai waktu habes skolah depan pintu pagar skolah. Hehehe.
Tapi sume decision, terletak pd kementerian, PPD daerah gombak. Jgn p letak anak sy skolah kt gombak, udahla.Kene pth blkg lak nk anta g skolah sdgkn saya mmg xfamiliar lgsg area gombak sana. Jadi, saya tawakal ajerlah, nak menipu, guna alamat org lain yg rumah dkt2 dgn skolah tersebut, sy rs unethical walaupon cara itu yg paling berkesan dan terjamin. Tapi sy tetap dgn keputusan saya, kalau dpt, Alhamdulillah, kalau xdpt, buleh buat rayuan, xdpt jugak, mungkin di tpt lain lebih baik utk Aqil & Asif...:)
p/s: Doa-doakan application Aqil nk masuk SK Tmn Melawati 2 diterima utk thn 2013 yer! Ameen.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Sebenarnya nak citer psl percubaan memasak saya, tp terlupa pulak nk bwk kabel utk transfer gambar. Nak cite menu-menu, kene tempek gambo ye dak...aiseh! Baru la terliur sket (kalu terliur lah kan!) bila baca entry tu. Lama jugak xupdate apa-apa. Sebenarnye xde idea tambah dgn Malas pon ada jugak.
Tp saya baca entry-entry terkini blog-blog yg saya mmg slalu follow xkira lah dlm list saya kt tepi ni ataupun tidak. Macam-macam berlaku dlm 2 minggu kebelakangan ni. Suami balik sekejap, nnt hujung minggu ni outstation balik ke tpt hari tu jugak. So, kembali lah saya bersilat sorang kt rumah dgn anak-anak yg makin hari makin lah bijak-bijak belaka. Ada ajalah idea diorg nk sepahkan rumah.Hehehe.
Citer psl 2 beradik ni, lega hati saya tgk keakraban diorg 2 org nih. Terasa dh berbayar kepayahan saya menjaga 2 org ms saya dlm pantang bila tgk diorg mmg betul love each other so much! Lelebih drpd mama diorg pulak. Maybe ramai xtahu kot, selepas sy lahirkn Asif, Aqil pon stay kt rumah, ms tu die baru 3 thn, saya jugak mandikn die, sy jugak suapkn mkn die, saya jugak melyn die spjg die dirumah termasuk tidokn die mlm2.
Anak-anak saya, kalau xde saya, xtahulah cemane, tp sy yakin diorg mmg buleh survive. Ada mama, mengader ajer lebih kn! Biasalah tu! Anak lelaki, haruslah tabah dan berjiwa kuat! Berbalik citer keakraban mereka, ms kecik2, yakni Asif masih blum lepas hari, Aqil suke cium-cium belai-belai adik dia. Mmg sy didik spy die sygkn adik die sejak adik lahir. Sebenarnya, ms pertama kali Aqil dtg jumpa adik die, sy sebak seolah-olah cam kesian kt Aqil sbb mebe lps ni sy mungkin xdpt bg perhatian sgt kt dia. Lagipon mcm-mcm dah sy dan Aqil lalui ms susah dan senang, ms sihat dan saket, mmg byk sy korbankn utk Aqil. Saya bersyukur, Aqil seorg yg lembut hati dan die mmg xberkasar dgn adik die. Terbalik dgn adik, agak kasar mungkin sbb bergaul dgn budak2 besar kt rumah pengasuh die kot. Ckp pun garau-garau. Jauh beza dgn Aqil, ckp pun manja dan agak sensitif.
Saya mmg learn day to day utk control anger sy dlm mendidik anak-anak. Frankly speaking, saya ni bukan penyabar sgt orgnyer! Tambah sy xpnah ade adik, jd sy xpasti nk sabar cemane dgn budak-budak ni. Jadi, mmg simpati tu lebih sket kt Aqil. Sbb mmg sy akan mrh kalau die wat slh yg berulang-ulang. Tapi bagusnya Aqil, die cepat belajar dr kesilapan. Kiranya, yg saya sound-sound kan tu, berkesan kt dia, dan die mmg berusaha utk xmengulangi kesalahan tersebut.
Asif lak, sgt witty. Die berkasar dgn Aqil, sampai Aqil menangis sbb kene gigit. Asif agak agresif orgnye, selagi xdpt ape yg die nak, selagi tu die akan memberontak sambil cium lantai. Kalau tak cium lantai, melalak sekuat hati! Tapi die mmg sgt syg Aqil, bgn pagi-pagi, die akan kiss pipi Aqil dulu. Nak tido, pun akan kiss pipi Aqil dulu. Balik rumah dr rumah bbsitter die akan kiss Aqil dulu as compared to org lain. Saya lega, terus hilang penat tgk keakraban anak-anak. Harap-harap diorg bestfren forever. InshaAllah...Ameen..:)
Tp saya baca entry-entry terkini blog-blog yg saya mmg slalu follow xkira lah dlm list saya kt tepi ni ataupun tidak. Macam-macam berlaku dlm 2 minggu kebelakangan ni. Suami balik sekejap, nnt hujung minggu ni outstation balik ke tpt hari tu jugak. So, kembali lah saya bersilat sorang kt rumah dgn anak-anak yg makin hari makin lah bijak-bijak belaka. Ada ajalah idea diorg nk sepahkan rumah.Hehehe.
Citer psl 2 beradik ni, lega hati saya tgk keakraban diorg 2 org nih. Terasa dh berbayar kepayahan saya menjaga 2 org ms saya dlm pantang bila tgk diorg mmg betul love each other so much! Lelebih drpd mama diorg pulak. Maybe ramai xtahu kot, selepas sy lahirkn Asif, Aqil pon stay kt rumah, ms tu die baru 3 thn, saya jugak mandikn die, sy jugak suapkn mkn die, saya jugak melyn die spjg die dirumah termasuk tidokn die mlm2.
Anak-anak saya, kalau xde saya, xtahulah cemane, tp sy yakin diorg mmg buleh survive. Ada mama, mengader ajer lebih kn! Biasalah tu! Anak lelaki, haruslah tabah dan berjiwa kuat! Berbalik citer keakraban mereka, ms kecik2, yakni Asif masih blum lepas hari, Aqil suke cium-cium belai-belai adik dia. Mmg sy didik spy die sygkn adik die sejak adik lahir. Sebenarnya, ms pertama kali Aqil dtg jumpa adik die, sy sebak seolah-olah cam kesian kt Aqil sbb mebe lps ni sy mungkin xdpt bg perhatian sgt kt dia. Lagipon mcm-mcm dah sy dan Aqil lalui ms susah dan senang, ms sihat dan saket, mmg byk sy korbankn utk Aqil. Saya bersyukur, Aqil seorg yg lembut hati dan die mmg xberkasar dgn adik die. Terbalik dgn adik, agak kasar mungkin sbb bergaul dgn budak2 besar kt rumah pengasuh die kot. Ckp pun garau-garau. Jauh beza dgn Aqil, ckp pun manja dan agak sensitif.
Saya mmg learn day to day utk control anger sy dlm mendidik anak-anak. Frankly speaking, saya ni bukan penyabar sgt orgnyer! Tambah sy xpnah ade adik, jd sy xpasti nk sabar cemane dgn budak-budak ni. Jadi, mmg simpati tu lebih sket kt Aqil. Sbb mmg sy akan mrh kalau die wat slh yg berulang-ulang. Tapi bagusnya Aqil, die cepat belajar dr kesilapan. Kiranya, yg saya sound-sound kan tu, berkesan kt dia, dan die mmg berusaha utk xmengulangi kesalahan tersebut.
Asif lak, sgt witty. Die berkasar dgn Aqil, sampai Aqil menangis sbb kene gigit. Asif agak agresif orgnye, selagi xdpt ape yg die nak, selagi tu die akan memberontak sambil cium lantai. Kalau tak cium lantai, melalak sekuat hati! Tapi die mmg sgt syg Aqil, bgn pagi-pagi, die akan kiss pipi Aqil dulu. Nak tido, pun akan kiss pipi Aqil dulu. Balik rumah dr rumah bbsitter die akan kiss Aqil dulu as compared to org lain. Saya lega, terus hilang penat tgk keakraban anak-anak. Harap-harap diorg bestfren forever. InshaAllah...Ameen..:)
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