Sunday, February 28, 2010

Wiser or Older or Younger??

Last Friday was my birthday. It was coincidence, it falls on Maulid Nabi holiday. As thought it would be a wonderful day for me but it was not. Why i say so?

The night before, i was husbandless from 7.50-7.00 am the next morning, we only met for 3-4 minutes just to pass out housekey at his office. Well, this is the life married to a an operation guy. Now I understand how my other friends who married to operation of offshore guys felt. But it was my birthday!!! Being a non romantic husband, i would not expect any flowers or cake or card or the least prezen on my birthday. And last 27th birthday was the best I ever had after i married...and it was way too far from our motherland...i guess our life is way better when we were away...owh..what's that mean???...eheheh...

I only have him in the morning when he called me to open the door and I felt a lil bit frustrated and just keep silent and went back to sleep with my kids...out of sudden, he handed me a gift which I knew earlier...but i was puzzled if he was really buying me that thing because I know..I myself will never buy that thing but only dreaming of having it....that's my husband...he would buy things that I feel too much too spend on...anyway..his money is my money too...ahaks..

I did not do anything while at home alone on my birthday since my husband need to be at work on the afternoon and only returned home late at night when i was asleep with my kids...I even locked my room door but let the living hall lamp switched on as whenever my husband is not in the house, I am afraid sleeping in a dark house.

How do i feel when I turned 28 the other day? Hmm, nothing much as i can say, but i feel a lil bit more focus in my daily job at office and home. I started to feel thati need to be extra cool at all time and learn to accept anything that come over me.Life is too precious, then, I will try to make my life as contented as it will be.That is my will.

I learned to appreciate what i have now and keep it safely as I can. Because I understand it is not easy to have what I have now if I don't take care of what I have.I am worry of losing what I have..don't you feel the same too???

I dont know how do i look for now. Some friend said I am chubbier than i was but being a mother of 2..harusla kan....and i just 3 months delivered a newborn...but i can see wrinkles on my faces already...o..o...yeah i feel my body is getting old...I am into 30s now..owh..and lost of thing i did not enjoy yet...hmmm...need to find time and space for myself before i turned 30...yeahh....but my i feel wiser as I am no more easily to get angry with kids and even with the tiredness i feel everyday...i still manage to do the house chores a bit here and there...and i started to feel happy about I sound too motherly???...o..o...

Deep inside..i feel young...hmm..this a little secret but still I want to put on here...hehe...i feel'biarlahhh rahsia...'hehehe....


Hada Masayu said...

hi!just stopping by..enjoy reading yr blogs :)

Ms J said...
