Friday, July 30, 2010

Stop Blogging

I have read many of post from my friends blogs on to stop blogging. I feel like it too.

Now, why?

1. Sometimes I feel my blog is boring and dull, I don't have attractive way of writing to make people keep visiting my blog!

2. I am afraid that anyone would feel offended of what I am writing even though I always write stuff that are really general and not pointing to anyone if i wrote uneasy things!

3. It is hard for me to find dedicated time to write a simple but concise post due to other commitment!

4. My blog is not that organize and i feel like rubbish!

5. I seldom put up real picture because I am lazy to upload from the phone/camera. I need to resize before posting them here which is the least i would do! Again no 3 is very much related to this!

The above 5 are the most common stumbles that I've always faced! That is why sometimes, I posted in bulk when I got time!


niza said...

hehe..tulah kdg2 mmg rs cmtu je kan...

Joely said...
