Recently, I always had this dream. A dream of a person that I really know in real life. Sometimes, not just a person, but two person but this one particular person, I dream of this person twice or more.
The person is one of the head in the RE department.
In that dream, I talked to him that I am so interested to join the RE team. I remembered clearly, that person asked me, you don't mind to start from beginning. And I replied, yes, of course, I don't mind if I have to start from fresh.
When I think a lot about a matter, then I will dream of it. I have a passion for a career which in my current company, with the new human made policy which I don't know where do they follow (they just don't realise that they are wasting talent..a LOT of talents but ignoring their wishes to become technical professional), the process really made me sick and tired. Not even about staff mobility and career progression, it is almost everything, my house loan enquiries, all they make it so difficult!
I think I "dah parah dah nie".....hmmmm
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Saket Tengkuk
Saket tengkuk hari ni, smlm naik hantu dgn Aqil psl die kacau tido sy. Saya mmg pantang org kacau sy tido especially masa sy tgh betul2 keletihan a.k.a FLAT! Memang kene sembur baik punya! Kesian Aqil. Tapi bebudak ni, cepat pulak die OK. Pas mandi, dah buleh bergurau macam biasa.
Hmm, kn dh dpt balasan cash sbb mrhkn anak, saket tengkuk hari ni. Padan muka sendiri! Asif pulak demam main-main. Jap suam, jap sejuk. Macam-macam, bila jadi macam ni, saya lah org yg paling risau, sbb the other half is not around, jd sgtttt susah hati bila budak2 menunjukkan tanda-tanda xsihat.
Bila susah hati, saya makan pon kurang, minum lagiii kurang...jadinya..saya cepat leteh...otak pulak ligat memikirkn ape punca saket, langkah2 yg perlu diambil, plan nk masak ape, plan nk kemas bahagian rumah yg mana, plan nk mula kemas pukul berapa...and the list goes on.....dugaan dan cabaran menjadi seorg single mother...sgt terasa...kdg2 nk hilang akal pun ada sbb tak tahan dgn nakal anak...tambah bile tinggal di negara yg panas ni...ambil masa nk sejuk...:)
Hmm, kn dh dpt balasan cash sbb mrhkn anak, saket tengkuk hari ni. Padan muka sendiri! Asif pulak demam main-main. Jap suam, jap sejuk. Macam-macam, bila jadi macam ni, saya lah org yg paling risau, sbb the other half is not around, jd sgtttt susah hati bila budak2 menunjukkan tanda-tanda xsihat.
Bila susah hati, saya makan pon kurang, minum lagiii kurang...jadinya..saya cepat leteh...otak pulak ligat memikirkn ape punca saket, langkah2 yg perlu diambil, plan nk masak ape, plan nk kemas bahagian rumah yg mana, plan nk mula kemas pukul berapa...and the list goes on.....dugaan dan cabaran menjadi seorg single mother...sgt terasa...kdg2 nk hilang akal pun ada sbb tak tahan dgn nakal anak...tambah bile tinggal di negara yg panas ni...ambil masa nk sejuk...:)
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Putus Cinta
Owh...sungguh cliche tajuk diataskan! Haha...
Owh, I'm married with 2 kids OK, and 1 lah! :)
Saya ade terbaca artikel dlm akhbar tempatan, die mengulas statistic berapa yg budak-budak yg wat panggilan kecemasan ke talian (alamak..lupa la nombor die..hahaha) utk melayan masalah kanak2. Ramai gile yg mengadu didera oleh parents, not just physically but also psychologically. Kesian... Then, ade satu artikel lain khas menceritakan ade remaja berumur 17 thn nk bunuh diri sbb putus cinta. 17 thn kan baru SPM. Isk, ape nak bercinta-cinta ni..ish..geli ai! (xsdar diri betul..dulu sendiri pon sibuk admire org tu org ni lahh....huhuhu) Tak salah bercinta kalau pandai mengawal. Pandai bahagikan focus. Umur muda lg, belajar la...tu lebih penting. Tapi kalau dgn adanya chenta hati, semangat belajar tu meninggi...tu dh jd sesuatu yg positif kn! (ini mmg berlaku pd saya dulu! hiks!)
Cemane tetibe cinta yg disulam terputus di tgh jln?? Nak pengsan kah?? org yg xpernah mengalami, mungkin xdpt nk imagine. Tapi seriously, putus cinta ni saket, saket sgt2 sbb die melibatkan emosi. Emosi kalau tidak dikawal akan memakan diri! Cinta tu lahir dr emosi, perasaan. Bila kita dh lama selesa dgn cinta itu, kemudian cinta tu tarik diri, mmg akan terasa kehilangan, kosong...Untuk memulihkan emosi itu pon mmg mengambil masa dan hanya masa will tell!
Kalau putus cinta, relax, ramai lagi calon-calon lain OK! Lupakan org tu! Die xhargai kita sebagaimana kita sepatutnye dihargai! Cewah, nasihat xley blah! Xperlu sampai nk bunuh diri! Isk, xberbaloi lgsg! Terigt pulak ms saya putus cinta suatu ketika dulu. Frust menonggeng wa cakap lu beb! haha...exam result terus drop semester tu! Semangat hilang sekejap! Mujur saya waras, dpt berfikir walau berhari2 jugak lah berendam air byk menyibukkn diri dgn aktiviti kwn2...terutama dgn 2 org kembar saya dlm kelas...Alhamdulillah, lama kelamaan, sy dpt terima hakikat...saya SINGLE n AVAILABLE!keskeskes...Macih M, Macih HF! hihi..korangla menceriakn hidup aku weh!!! XOXO
Ha...pehtu..result exam pun naik balik...dpt grad with flying colors...serius...xtipu...agaknye council baik hati kot ms tu...hahaha...kan HF kan! Tu la die rezeki yg dtg...tiap suatu yg berlaku tu..pasti ade berkenalan dgn suami yg skang yg cukup thn dgn kerenah sy yg "pelbagai" (kdg2 rs berslh kt die psl sy suke wat perangai xmatang!).
Putus cinta mungkin menandakan org tu xsesuai dgn kamu, dan kamu bakal menemui org lain yg lebih cocok! Putus cinta mungkin ujian utk kamu supaya lebih tabah, mungkin di ms akan dtg, ade dugaan lain yg dtg, kamu lebih mudah menghadapinya! Putus cinta mungkin spy kamu dn couple kamu berfikir lebih matang, mungkin buleh sambung balik, dan situasi akan lebih baik selepas itu...mana tahu kan!
Ha...pesanan dlm lagu ni..mmg buleh dipakai...
Owh, I'm married with 2 kids OK, and 1 lah! :)
Saya ade terbaca artikel dlm akhbar tempatan, die mengulas statistic berapa yg budak-budak yg wat panggilan kecemasan ke talian (alamak..lupa la nombor die..hahaha) utk melayan masalah kanak2. Ramai gile yg mengadu didera oleh parents, not just physically but also psychologically. Kesian... Then, ade satu artikel lain khas menceritakan ade remaja berumur 17 thn nk bunuh diri sbb putus cinta. 17 thn kan baru SPM. Isk, ape nak bercinta-cinta ni..ish..geli ai! (xsdar diri betul..dulu sendiri pon sibuk admire org tu org ni lahh....huhuhu) Tak salah bercinta kalau pandai mengawal. Pandai bahagikan focus. Umur muda lg, belajar la...tu lebih penting. Tapi kalau dgn adanya chenta hati, semangat belajar tu meninggi...tu dh jd sesuatu yg positif kn! (ini mmg berlaku pd saya dulu! hiks!)
Cemane tetibe cinta yg disulam terputus di tgh jln?? Nak pengsan kah?? org yg xpernah mengalami, mungkin xdpt nk imagine. Tapi seriously, putus cinta ni saket, saket sgt2 sbb die melibatkan emosi. Emosi kalau tidak dikawal akan memakan diri! Cinta tu lahir dr emosi, perasaan. Bila kita dh lama selesa dgn cinta itu, kemudian cinta tu tarik diri, mmg akan terasa kehilangan, kosong...Untuk memulihkan emosi itu pon mmg mengambil masa dan hanya masa will tell!
Kalau putus cinta, relax, ramai lagi calon-calon lain OK! Lupakan org tu! Die xhargai kita sebagaimana kita sepatutnye dihargai! Cewah, nasihat xley blah! Xperlu sampai nk bunuh diri! Isk, xberbaloi lgsg! Terigt pulak ms saya putus cinta suatu ketika dulu. Frust menonggeng wa cakap lu beb! haha...exam result terus drop semester tu! Semangat hilang sekejap! Mujur saya waras, dpt berfikir walau berhari2 jugak lah berendam air byk menyibukkn diri dgn aktiviti kwn2...terutama dgn 2 org kembar saya dlm kelas...Alhamdulillah, lama kelamaan, sy dpt terima hakikat...saya SINGLE n AVAILABLE!keskeskes...Macih M, Macih HF! hihi..korangla menceriakn hidup aku weh!!! XOXO
Ha...pehtu..result exam pun naik balik...dpt grad with flying colors...serius...xtipu...agaknye council baik hati kot ms tu...hahaha...kan HF kan! Tu la die rezeki yg dtg...tiap suatu yg berlaku tu..pasti ade berkenalan dgn suami yg skang yg cukup thn dgn kerenah sy yg "pelbagai" (kdg2 rs berslh kt die psl sy suke wat perangai xmatang!).
Putus cinta mungkin menandakan org tu xsesuai dgn kamu, dan kamu bakal menemui org lain yg lebih cocok! Putus cinta mungkin ujian utk kamu supaya lebih tabah, mungkin di ms akan dtg, ade dugaan lain yg dtg, kamu lebih mudah menghadapinya! Putus cinta mungkin spy kamu dn couple kamu berfikir lebih matang, mungkin buleh sambung balik, dan situasi akan lebih baik selepas itu...mana tahu kan!
Ha...pesanan dlm lagu ni..mmg buleh dipakai...
"kalau berpacaran jangan tunggu lama-lama
kalau dah berkenan berjumpalah mama dan ayah
hantarkan rombongan meminang dengan segera
kalau terlambat kekasihmu disambar buaya"
kalau dah berkenan berjumpalah mama dan ayah
hantarkan rombongan meminang dengan segera
kalau terlambat kekasihmu disambar buaya"
Friday, February 18, 2011
Masa Larangan Bebel/Leter
Org perempuan cukup suka berleter. Tapi skang, sebenarnye L&P equal jer.Dua-dua pon pasti berleter. Kenapela nk leter. Dan ape sebenarnye leter?
Dulu-dulu, masa kecik2, saya mmg slalu kene leter dgn mak. Kene leter psl wat sepah, kene leter psl lambat bangun nk gi skolah, kene leter psl balik umah pas main lambat saya xpenah kene leter psl xsiap homework skolah! Sbb saya mmg budak rajin siapkan homework awal2, tp jrg cek semula...tu psl byk slh kot! Tabiat saya ni, Aqil anak saya yg sulung tu dh mengikut...smlm ms ambil dr tadika, saya kene bebel dgn die..sbb die tgh siapkan homework, dan saya sampai sedikit awal! :)
Owh, leter adalah sinonim dgn bebel yer! Okeh, mana tahu ada yg kurang vocab bahasa melayunyer kn! Hehe..saya pon masih kurang vocab bahasa melayu terutama bhs suku kaum yg berbilang kat tanah melayu ni kn!
Smlm, dptlah meluangkn masa menonton Semanis Kurma kt TV9. Topik perbincangan was "Pasangan Suke Berleter" (kalau xsilap lah!). Dalam rancangan tu, sempatlah telinga saya menangkap ade 9 masa larangan berleter..jd saya nk sharekn kt yg saya igtlah yer! mungkin bukan sume 9 sbb sy psg volume TV rendah utk menghormati anak2 yg sedang tidur....
Pertama, jgnler meleter kt suami pagi2 ms nk g kerja....
Kedua, jgnler meleter kt suami ms baru balik keje....
Ketiga, jgnler meleter kt anak-anak ms anak2 baru bgn tidor...
Keempat, jgnler meleter ms anak-anak baru balik dr skolah..sian diorg penat...baru balik bermain ke...
Kelima, jgn meleter kt suami ms suami tgh driving, sbb die nk focus kt driving...
Keenam, jgn meleter ms g bersiar-siar/makan angin dgn suami dan anak-anak...spoil mood weh!
Eh, alamak...sempat dgr 6 jelahhh...(gigit jari!) yg kt bwh ni adalah tambahan saya ....utk mencukupkan 9 jugak...ehehe...
Ketujuh, jgnler meleter ms tgh duduk makan...hilang selera makan dowh!
Kelapan, errr...jgnler meleter ms suami dan anak2 tgh seronok bermain bersama2...
Kesembilan, errr...jgn meleter anak2 masa diorg nk masuk tidor...kang ngigau kang budak2...menangis dlm tido ker...
3 di bwh tu rekaan sy...kalau ada salah..kot sapa yg tgk rancangan smlm..."tolong ingatkan" saya...xsilap sy, saya termissed yg lg 3 tu psl saya ke dapur nk basuh pinggan psl Asif dah ekk...ekk...
Panaslah mlm-mlm skang...terpaksa psg ekon yg dah 2 bulan xON....
Dulu-dulu, masa kecik2, saya mmg slalu kene leter dgn mak. Kene leter psl wat sepah, kene leter psl lambat bangun nk gi skolah, kene leter psl balik umah pas main lambat saya xpenah kene leter psl xsiap homework skolah! Sbb saya mmg budak rajin siapkan homework awal2, tp jrg cek semula...tu psl byk slh kot! Tabiat saya ni, Aqil anak saya yg sulung tu dh mengikut...smlm ms ambil dr tadika, saya kene bebel dgn die..sbb die tgh siapkan homework, dan saya sampai sedikit awal! :)
Owh, leter adalah sinonim dgn bebel yer! Okeh, mana tahu ada yg kurang vocab bahasa melayunyer kn! Hehe..saya pon masih kurang vocab bahasa melayu terutama bhs suku kaum yg berbilang kat tanah melayu ni kn!
Smlm, dptlah meluangkn masa menonton Semanis Kurma kt TV9. Topik perbincangan was "Pasangan Suke Berleter" (kalau xsilap lah!). Dalam rancangan tu, sempatlah telinga saya menangkap ade 9 masa larangan berleter..jd saya nk sharekn kt yg saya igtlah yer! mungkin bukan sume 9 sbb sy psg volume TV rendah utk menghormati anak2 yg sedang tidur....
Pertama, jgnler meleter kt suami pagi2 ms nk g kerja....
Kedua, jgnler meleter kt suami ms baru balik keje....
Ketiga, jgnler meleter kt anak-anak ms anak2 baru bgn tidor...
Keempat, jgnler meleter ms anak-anak baru balik dr skolah..sian diorg penat...baru balik bermain ke...
Kelima, jgn meleter kt suami ms suami tgh driving, sbb die nk focus kt driving...
Keenam, jgn meleter ms g bersiar-siar/makan angin dgn suami dan anak-anak...spoil mood weh!
Eh, alamak...sempat dgr 6 jelahhh...(gigit jari!) yg kt bwh ni adalah tambahan saya ....utk mencukupkan 9 jugak...ehehe...
Ketujuh, jgnler meleter ms tgh duduk makan...hilang selera makan dowh!
Kelapan, errr...jgnler meleter ms suami dan anak2 tgh seronok bermain bersama2...
Kesembilan, errr...jgn meleter anak2 masa diorg nk masuk tidor...kang ngigau kang budak2...menangis dlm tido ker...
3 di bwh tu rekaan sy...kalau ada salah..kot sapa yg tgk rancangan smlm..."tolong ingatkan" saya...xsilap sy, saya termissed yg lg 3 tu psl saya ke dapur nk basuh pinggan psl Asif dah ekk...ekk...
Panaslah mlm-mlm skang...terpaksa psg ekon yg dah 2 bulan xON....
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Mee Goreng 1!
Semalam before jam panah angka 5, saya sempat meluangkan minit2 terakhir berbual kosong dgn kwn sy menggunakan perantara komputer. Saya ni susah nk berbual verbally, tapi, kalau guna communicator, bende yg nk nak diciter tu...mencurah-curah kuar...kadang...berlawak spontan pon...mencurah2 idea tu datang...ehehe...sampai ade org ckp, cekapnyer saya menaip...ehehe..dh biasa chatting...of kos la cekap...kihkihkih....
Percaya tak, saya mengenal hati budi hubby pon melalui kemudahan communicator kt office ni...hahaha...ooopsss...kami berbual ttg kerja..maklumla..masa tu, kami sama-sama engineer dlm bidang yg sama...sbb tu slalu berkomunikasi utk bertuka2 pendapat dan bertanya ttg teori2 yg saya xberapa nk faham atau buat2 xfaham...eheheh...
Eh, bukan cite psl communicator, nk cite, ape yg dibual dgn kwn saya tu. Saya ckp kt die, balik nnt nk masak mee goreng. Teringin pulak. Memang saya dh bli mee tu konon nk masak weekend lepas, tp dah termasak menu lain. So tersimpan la...tahu, toge, nnt expired, lebih baik sy masak ajer.
Jadi, sampai umah dlm 5.40ptg, terus terkam dapur dulu. Kuarkn bahan2, potong-potong ape yg spatutnya dipotong. Pastu terus la menggoreng. Bajet2 kul 6 ptg nk kuar amik bebudak tp haish..kul 5.50ptg br nk start msk..apekehei? Sah-sahla lewat amik bebudak kn!
Kisahnye, ade distraction yg membuatkn sy lambat. Pagi-pagi, kalau dh xsempat, kdg2 mmg sy tinggal jer pinggang lum basuh dlm sinki, jd basuh pinggan dulu, kemudian isi air masak, sy masak pagi-pagi, sy tinggal je dlm cerek. Balik baru isi dlm bekas air masak. Kemudian masak air baru. Pastu, simpan susu yg di pam, icepack siap2 dlm fridge. Nnt lupa! Last2 bwk icepack yg xbeku then kene bekukan kt office pulak!
Tu la pasal start masak around 5.55ptg. Seblum tu panas kn kuah laksa, syg nk buang. Lagi lama simpan, lagi sdap, bak kata mak saya..hahah..(angin mkn laksa ni...asyik burpppp jer!). Goreng punya goreng..wahhh..nampak menarik...dah tahu bajet, minyak byk mn nk pakai, then, bhn2 perisa, spt biasa, main campak2 ajer...and habit sy, sy jarangggg rs masakan saya..ok..6.15 siapppp...
Terus kuar amik bebudak.
Sampai umah, lyn budak2, igt nk mkn mee tu pas bebudak tido, sekali Aqil berkeras xmo tido kalau sy xde dlm bilik. Alih-alih, dgn saya sekali lena diulit bantal2 peluk.Hehehe...
Terjaga kul 11.30 mlm, kemudian terus terigt mee. Tp rs lebih afdhal tido sbb Asif dh resah gelisah sbb cuaca panas. Psg ekon set utk 1 jam, then dush tido!
Bgn pagi, panaskn mee yg xsempat mkn bwk g office. Harap2 adela org nk mkn mee saya ni. Takut xabes, membazir! So, ms nk panaskn pagi td, sempatla rs dulu..mana tahu..kang termasin sgt pulak kn! Agak2 ok dah la...terus bungkus..
Letak kt office, berdebar2 aje nk ajak org jamah. Malu! Saya ni jarang2 memasak dan bwk ke office. Pnah la, sy buat kek kukus, sy paksa hubby bwk g office die bg kt kwn2 sbb satu adunan tu, byk sgt, xterlarat kami berdua nk habeskn. Alhamdulillah, hubby bwk balik bekas kosong! Oh, mee tadi, ha..Alhamdulillah habes jugak satu bekas eskrem tu. Mee goring biasa jer.
Tau ape yg sy igt ms sy memasak? EH...rahsia of kos dimulakn dgn bismillah...ehehe....(dlm hati, terkumat kamit menghrpkn it turns out OK! and Alhamdulillah, skill memasak dh improved!)
Kita raikan dgn daun saderi!!!! -- bak kata wonderpets bila kejayaan telah diperolehi!
Percaya tak, saya mengenal hati budi hubby pon melalui kemudahan communicator kt office ni...hahaha...ooopsss...kami berbual ttg kerja..maklumla..masa tu, kami sama-sama engineer dlm bidang yg sama...sbb tu slalu berkomunikasi utk bertuka2 pendapat dan bertanya ttg teori2 yg saya xberapa nk faham atau buat2 xfaham...eheheh...
Eh, bukan cite psl communicator, nk cite, ape yg dibual dgn kwn saya tu. Saya ckp kt die, balik nnt nk masak mee goreng. Teringin pulak. Memang saya dh bli mee tu konon nk masak weekend lepas, tp dah termasak menu lain. So tersimpan la...tahu, toge, nnt expired, lebih baik sy masak ajer.
Jadi, sampai umah dlm 5.40ptg, terus terkam dapur dulu. Kuarkn bahan2, potong-potong ape yg spatutnya dipotong. Pastu terus la menggoreng. Bajet2 kul 6 ptg nk kuar amik bebudak tp haish..kul 5.50ptg br nk start msk..apekehei? Sah-sahla lewat amik bebudak kn!
Kisahnye, ade distraction yg membuatkn sy lambat. Pagi-pagi, kalau dh xsempat, kdg2 mmg sy tinggal jer pinggang lum basuh dlm sinki, jd basuh pinggan dulu, kemudian isi air masak, sy masak pagi-pagi, sy tinggal je dlm cerek. Balik baru isi dlm bekas air masak. Kemudian masak air baru. Pastu, simpan susu yg di pam, icepack siap2 dlm fridge. Nnt lupa! Last2 bwk icepack yg xbeku then kene bekukan kt office pulak!
Tu la pasal start masak around 5.55ptg. Seblum tu panas kn kuah laksa, syg nk buang. Lagi lama simpan, lagi sdap, bak kata mak saya..hahah..(angin mkn laksa ni...asyik burpppp jer!). Goreng punya goreng..wahhh..nampak menarik...dah tahu bajet, minyak byk mn nk pakai, then, bhn2 perisa, spt biasa, main campak2 ajer...and habit sy, sy jarangggg rs masakan saya..ok..6.15 siapppp...
Terus kuar amik bebudak.
Sampai umah, lyn budak2, igt nk mkn mee tu pas bebudak tido, sekali Aqil berkeras xmo tido kalau sy xde dlm bilik. Alih-alih, dgn saya sekali lena diulit bantal2 peluk.Hehehe...
Terjaga kul 11.30 mlm, kemudian terus terigt mee. Tp rs lebih afdhal tido sbb Asif dh resah gelisah sbb cuaca panas. Psg ekon set utk 1 jam, then dush tido!
Bgn pagi, panaskn mee yg xsempat mkn bwk g office. Harap2 adela org nk mkn mee saya ni. Takut xabes, membazir! So, ms nk panaskn pagi td, sempatla rs dulu..mana tahu..kang termasin sgt pulak kn! Agak2 ok dah la...terus bungkus..
Letak kt office, berdebar2 aje nk ajak org jamah. Malu! Saya ni jarang2 memasak dan bwk ke office. Pnah la, sy buat kek kukus, sy paksa hubby bwk g office die bg kt kwn2 sbb satu adunan tu, byk sgt, xterlarat kami berdua nk habeskn. Alhamdulillah, hubby bwk balik bekas kosong! Oh, mee tadi, ha..Alhamdulillah habes jugak satu bekas eskrem tu. Mee goring biasa jer.
Tau ape yg sy igt ms sy memasak? EH...rahsia of kos dimulakn dgn bismillah...ehehe....(dlm hati, terkumat kamit menghrpkn it turns out OK! and Alhamdulillah, skill memasak dh improved!)
Kita raikan dgn daun saderi!!!! -- bak kata wonderpets bila kejayaan telah diperolehi!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Owh, after a blast lunchie with friends on the public holiday day, now it is turn to gear up the performance write-up.
Haha..actually, my mind is away from office. I am preparing something else, thinking of something else, and doing something else. Hehe...preparing for a BIG event! It's really take my time, lucky that I do not really have much work for now except completing the PPA.
What is PPA (Personal Performance Assessment) --> eh...correct aaahh?lol!
It is prepared twice yearly and the result will determine how much is your annual increment and how much bonus you will get for that financial (Bonus payable in the next financial). Speaking of BONUS, well, our company, may decide that there is NO BONUS for this year if they wish! Because it is non-contractual!
I am confused, many people think my company pay really good. But hey, after deduction, it less than what you've expected! The more you get, the more you will be deducted for tax (PCB)! At the end of the day, you end up scrutinizing all your monthly expenses and 'tapau' for breakfast and lunch! I would say, only ENGINEERS in my company get good pay depending on their last performance rating after the new salary remuneration. And heck, it was not me! Pathetic me! (Blame the HR system! - j.u.s.t.n.o.t.f.a.i.r to certain people!)
Eh, why is that I'm writing about HR, buang masa!..I just want to motivate myself to do the PPA write-up.
Make sure it is clear!
Make sure it is beautifully explained!
Highlight the achievement!
(Urm...just delete the one that I feel unreachable...hahahaha..weng!)
Haha..actually, my mind is away from office. I am preparing something else, thinking of something else, and doing something else. Hehe...preparing for a BIG event! It's really take my time, lucky that I do not really have much work for now except completing the PPA.
What is PPA (Personal Performance Assessment) --> eh...correct aaahh?lol!
It is prepared twice yearly and the result will determine how much is your annual increment and how much bonus you will get for that financial (Bonus payable in the next financial). Speaking of BONUS, well, our company, may decide that there is NO BONUS for this year if they wish! Because it is non-contractual!
I am confused, many people think my company pay really good. But hey, after deduction, it less than what you've expected! The more you get, the more you will be deducted for tax (PCB)! At the end of the day, you end up scrutinizing all your monthly expenses and 'tapau' for breakfast and lunch! I would say, only ENGINEERS in my company get good pay depending on their last performance rating after the new salary remuneration. And heck, it was not me! Pathetic me! (Blame the HR system! - j.u.s.t.n.o.t.f.a.i.r to certain people!)
Eh, why is that I'm writing about HR, buang masa!..I just want to motivate myself to do the PPA write-up.
Make sure it is clear!
Make sure it is beautifully explained!
Highlight the achievement!
(Urm...just delete the one that I feel unreachable...hahahaha..weng!)
Friday, February 11, 2011
Oh Late!
Erk...late again today..:(...blame others...haha..
blame Aqil!
blame Asif!...
No, it was my bad..I shud have woke up early and arrive at work early!
Plan is a plan...but never work out as we wish!
However, I am not a customer service dept, no big deal though! I don't have meeting, just to finish my PPA only! In which will be due by this coming 25th! How to write yeah??? To praise myself so I can get a good rating??? This is my weakness as I always be humble in everything! Even when to put in writing, but my company only see those who can write the PPA beautifully, and show some extraordinary in it!
Oh, I shud have read more english book during my teenagehood, so my flowery word will be more, the way I express the the achievement would be more outstanding.
Hopefully, this cycle will give me more than I could imagine! I hope! And I really..really...REALLY hope that I CAN do what I want to do in the coming years!!! Starting from this year, I will find the way(s)...
Oh..motivation..please...I need motivation to do so.....I can live with the current situation, I feel dumb! I feel I am no expert! I want to be the expert! Yes!!!
blame Aqil!
blame Asif!...
No, it was my bad..I shud have woke up early and arrive at work early!
Plan is a plan...but never work out as we wish!
However, I am not a customer service dept, no big deal though! I don't have meeting, just to finish my PPA only! In which will be due by this coming 25th! How to write yeah??? To praise myself so I can get a good rating??? This is my weakness as I always be humble in everything! Even when to put in writing, but my company only see those who can write the PPA beautifully, and show some extraordinary in it!
Oh, I shud have read more english book during my teenagehood, so my flowery word will be more, the way I express the the achievement would be more outstanding.
Hopefully, this cycle will give me more than I could imagine! I hope! And I really..really...REALLY hope that I CAN do what I want to do in the coming years!!! Starting from this year, I will find the way(s)...
Oh..motivation..please...I need motivation to do so.....I can live with the current situation, I feel dumb! I feel I am no expert! I want to be the expert! Yes!!!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
How I Met Your Father (Part 01)
This is a story about how I met my husband! A journey on how I selcting my husband to be and how many are there that came into my life which touches my inner feeling - heart & soul. Not that many, but a few. I will not named them and it remains secret forever. Whomever knows who that person was, just keep it to yourself, do not comment or talk behind my back with other fella. This is personal and I just write it because it is part of my experience and may some of it, benefit or cheer up some of the readers!
I was not a beauty queen back in my secondary or university time. I was just a plain girl, ambitious to get good grades and then graduates with flying colors. That was my aim.
However, when you are mixing up with the other gender, the butterflies kept coming in. Some was being provoked by friends and some was a crazy crushed on secret admires!
Starting from my secondary, it started as early as when I was in form 1!. Kecik-kecik dah pandai yer! But, it wasn't me who started it. It was a gossip rumored by my classmate....just read through...:)
Pada waktu pertukaran subject, cikgu xsampai2 lagi...budak2 kelas 1 B sgtlah bising...sume mulut potpet-potpet...
Student 1: Eh, Ms J, ko tahu tak...smlmkan, budak Student 2 ngigau psl ko...
Me: Hah? tipulah, ape hal nk ngigau2 kn aku pulak???
Student 1: EH, die kn syok kt ko, ko xtahu ke???
Me: Ye ke??..tipu sgt laaa...mengarut jer!
Student 1: Iye, betul, xtipu, ha..tu die..baru masuk kelas..
Student 2 masuk kelas sambil tersenyum tersipu-sipu...saya pdg die, die pdg mmg dlm hati, xpercaya pon...diorg ni mmg kuat melawak!
Student 1: Woi Student 2, ko mimpi Ms J smlm kn?
Student 2: *grinn* Mana ada la weiii...
Student 1: Ele, malu la tu kt Ms J...*sengeh2*
Di hari lain waktu yg lain..
Me: Weh Student 2, betulke Student 1 ckpkan tu?
Student 2: *tersipu-sipu* mana ada...
Student 3: ehehe...malu la tuu...
Me: OK...*smile*
Hehe...dialog di atas rekaan mmg ade seorg ni digossipkn dgn saya because the classmate seems it fits kot..kecik sama kecik! hahaha...kelakar serius, sgt mencuit hati sy! Dan saya mmg xtahu sampai skang rekaan ke betul2...hrp2 rekaan la...
Tapi normal la kan kita mimpikan kwn2 kita...sampai ngigau2..boleh jadi yer tak??...xsemestinyer kita mimpi org yg kita suka sgt2 je kan!..ehehe..
OK, nnt later sambung part 02 pulak...byk nih...;)
I was not a beauty queen back in my secondary or university time. I was just a plain girl, ambitious to get good grades and then graduates with flying colors. That was my aim.
However, when you are mixing up with the other gender, the butterflies kept coming in. Some was being provoked by friends and some was a crazy crushed on secret admires!
Starting from my secondary, it started as early as when I was in form 1!. Kecik-kecik dah pandai yer! But, it wasn't me who started it. It was a gossip rumored by my classmate....just read through...:)
Pada waktu pertukaran subject, cikgu xsampai2 lagi...budak2 kelas 1 B sgtlah bising...sume mulut potpet-potpet...
Student 1: Eh, Ms J, ko tahu tak...smlmkan, budak Student 2 ngigau psl ko...
Me: Hah? tipulah, ape hal nk ngigau2 kn aku pulak???
Student 1: EH, die kn syok kt ko, ko xtahu ke???
Me: Ye ke??..tipu sgt laaa...mengarut jer!
Student 1: Iye, betul, xtipu, ha..tu die..baru masuk kelas..
Student 2 masuk kelas sambil tersenyum tersipu-sipu...saya pdg die, die pdg mmg dlm hati, xpercaya pon...diorg ni mmg kuat melawak!
Student 1: Woi Student 2, ko mimpi Ms J smlm kn?
Student 2: *grinn* Mana ada la weiii...
Student 1: Ele, malu la tu kt Ms J...*sengeh2*
Di hari lain waktu yg lain..
Me: Weh Student 2, betulke Student 1 ckpkan tu?
Student 2: *tersipu-sipu* mana ada...
Student 3: ehehe...malu la tuu...
Me: OK...*smile*
Hehe...dialog di atas rekaan mmg ade seorg ni digossipkn dgn saya because the classmate seems it fits kot..kecik sama kecik! hahaha...kelakar serius, sgt mencuit hati sy! Dan saya mmg xtahu sampai skang rekaan ke betul2...hrp2 rekaan la...
Tapi normal la kan kita mimpikan kwn2 kita...sampai ngigau2..boleh jadi yer tak??...xsemestinyer kita mimpi org yg kita suka sgt2 je kan!..ehehe..
OK, nnt later sambung part 02 pulak...byk nih...;)
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Allright, yesterday I told you that I've made trouble with my hubby's car tyre. Hah, today, I would like to share with you on how to take care of your everdearest car tyres.
What?? Everdearest?? Well, from my reading, taking a good care of your tyre is as much important as taking care of your car as well! If you overlooked your tyres condition, you may increase your risk of getting car accident!
Okeh, first of all, know your tyre!!!Ha..xkenal, maka xcinta..I just getting to know my tyre as well. Yesterday, I took sometime to look closely at my car tyres. The brand, (cey...), the type, what year, where it was manufactured, the diameter, the load, the max pressure, warning signs, max speed the tyre can go, the ratio etc.
There are many type of tyre, one with tube, and tubeless, mine is tubeless. When using tubeless tyre, make sure, your valve is OK, and your rim fit with the tyre! if not, then the tyre will get deflated easily lah.And if not mistaken, most car tyre are tubeless.
How to differentiate brand new tyre with tyre "celup"??? Mostly, lorry replace with tayar celup because it is damned cheap OK! You will know it when you see serpihan tayar on the road...and its confirmed tayar celup la tu...brand new tyre is expensive, my car, which requires only 13 diameter tayar has cost me, almost 100++ per tyre.
When you are replacing tyre, check the manufacturer date! Shelf life for tyre is only 4 years and after that, the tyre, even it is new but old, will not be performing as good as the nature of rubber it has. The elasticity of the tyre, when you put in pressured air will not last longer.
And it is also advisable to replace your tyre after 4-5 years even the flower is still there! Like my case, I did not realised my tyre is already expired and when replaced, I got to realise that my tyre, if I used further may bring me into car accident. Dah nampak benang tayar tu beb...scary!!! Botak habes!!! Lucky that I trusted my instinct to replace tyre there n then! (Asalnya just to do plain maintenance jer).
When you pump your tyre, check the pressure requirement first! This can be obtained from the car manual book (if bought new) or sometimes it may be written on the side of driver's door (xcek lg!). Or, at the air pump station, there is schedule for different type of car, depending on the engine capacity/weight I think!
Usually, the front tyres will requires more pressure than the rear tyres. However, depends on the location of your engines. Most of the car, the engine located at the front. And it is also advisable that you do regular checking on your car tyre pressure every 1-2 weeks with good pressure gauge if you happened to travel a lot! Only check your tyre pressure when the tyre is cool! If you are just back from traveling, wait for 1 hour before you check! - let the tyre cool first!
OK, then, what should you do if you wrongly fill in pressure to your tyre? Hahah..OK, this was what happened to me la kan..So, release a bit of air from your tyre by pressing down the pin at the tyre (ape nama tah, tpt nk masuk angin tulaaa)..pressed it, you will hear psssssssss sound, meaning that, angin kuar ler tu!
And don't be fool with the look of the tyre. You must check the pressure not the how well it inflated actually! My bro advise me to have the tyre a bit 'buncit' sket rather than so 'tegang & bulat'. If so 'tegang & bulat', then nnt your tyre will easily 'haus' at the middle. When it is a little bit 'buncit', then, the tyre grips well with the surface it touches! So, more stable lah! Bunge pon kene makan sekata....:)
And another tips, when you are doing 3 point turn, or U turn, ensure that, you don't twist the tyre when your car is stop!, twist little by little with the car moving little by little, or nnt your tyre senang haus kt bhgn tepi (this was what happened to me, yg sampai nampak benang tyr tu...sbb my hubby yg drive and he loves doing that!)
Ok, enuff sayings, more information, you can get from this forum. So, love your tyre OK! And you are saved! (as well as your loved ones!)

That's my car getting it's bath time after loooonnnggggg time....bukan beemer tu tau! xminat beemer minat mata helanggg jerrrrr...;)
What?? Everdearest?? Well, from my reading, taking a good care of your tyre is as much important as taking care of your car as well! If you overlooked your tyres condition, you may increase your risk of getting car accident!
Okeh, first of all, know your tyre!!!Ha..xkenal, maka xcinta..I just getting to know my tyre as well. Yesterday, I took sometime to look closely at my car tyres. The brand, (cey...), the type, what year, where it was manufactured, the diameter, the load, the max pressure, warning signs, max speed the tyre can go, the ratio etc.
There are many type of tyre, one with tube, and tubeless, mine is tubeless. When using tubeless tyre, make sure, your valve is OK, and your rim fit with the tyre! if not, then the tyre will get deflated easily lah.And if not mistaken, most car tyre are tubeless.
How to differentiate brand new tyre with tyre "celup"??? Mostly, lorry replace with tayar celup because it is damned cheap OK! You will know it when you see serpihan tayar on the road...and its confirmed tayar celup la tu...brand new tyre is expensive, my car, which requires only 13 diameter tayar has cost me, almost 100++ per tyre.
When you are replacing tyre, check the manufacturer date! Shelf life for tyre is only 4 years and after that, the tyre, even it is new but old, will not be performing as good as the nature of rubber it has. The elasticity of the tyre, when you put in pressured air will not last longer.
And it is also advisable to replace your tyre after 4-5 years even the flower is still there! Like my case, I did not realised my tyre is already expired and when replaced, I got to realise that my tyre, if I used further may bring me into car accident. Dah nampak benang tayar tu beb...scary!!! Botak habes!!! Lucky that I trusted my instinct to replace tyre there n then! (Asalnya just to do plain maintenance jer).
When you pump your tyre, check the pressure requirement first! This can be obtained from the car manual book (if bought new) or sometimes it may be written on the side of driver's door (xcek lg!). Or, at the air pump station, there is schedule for different type of car, depending on the engine capacity/weight I think!
Usually, the front tyres will requires more pressure than the rear tyres. However, depends on the location of your engines. Most of the car, the engine located at the front. And it is also advisable that you do regular checking on your car tyre pressure every 1-2 weeks with good pressure gauge if you happened to travel a lot! Only check your tyre pressure when the tyre is cool! If you are just back from traveling, wait for 1 hour before you check! - let the tyre cool first!
OK, then, what should you do if you wrongly fill in pressure to your tyre? Hahah..OK, this was what happened to me la kan..So, release a bit of air from your tyre by pressing down the pin at the tyre (ape nama tah, tpt nk masuk angin tulaaa)..pressed it, you will hear psssssssss sound, meaning that, angin kuar ler tu!
And don't be fool with the look of the tyre. You must check the pressure not the how well it inflated actually! My bro advise me to have the tyre a bit 'buncit' sket rather than so 'tegang & bulat'. If so 'tegang & bulat', then nnt your tyre will easily 'haus' at the middle. When it is a little bit 'buncit', then, the tyre grips well with the surface it touches! So, more stable lah! Bunge pon kene makan sekata....:)
And another tips, when you are doing 3 point turn, or U turn, ensure that, you don't twist the tyre when your car is stop!, twist little by little with the car moving little by little, or nnt your tyre senang haus kt bhgn tepi (this was what happened to me, yg sampai nampak benang tyr tu...sbb my hubby yg drive and he loves doing that!)
Ok, enuff sayings, more information, you can get from this forum. So, love your tyre OK! And you are saved! (as well as your loved ones!)

That's my car getting it's bath time after loooonnnggggg time....bukan beemer tu tau! xminat beemer minat mata helanggg jerrrrr...;)
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
What would you do when you are in trouble??
Nice title..easy one..I'm a troublesome sometimes...and yesterday was the silliest mistake I did!
Know what it was?
Haha, I mistakenly increase my 2nd car tyre pressure! I thought the helper was right (the gas station boy) and after coming home, I found that, he was totally wrong!!! And my heart was pumping very hard, I started to sweat because I was so scared that my hubby will definitely put the blame on me! So, I did not tell him on what happened to his car!
I asked HELP in my FB...and the response really relieves me. So, last night, I can still sleep well!
I googled before sleep about tyre. How to take care on your car tyre so as it will have good performance, long lasting (advisable change your tyre every 5 years!) and can reduce the potential of accident!
I will share in the next post tomorrow!!!
Silly me! Be cautious ladies, we need to know and learn about our car if you are driving a car!!!
Know what it was?
Haha, I mistakenly increase my 2nd car tyre pressure! I thought the helper was right (the gas station boy) and after coming home, I found that, he was totally wrong!!! And my heart was pumping very hard, I started to sweat because I was so scared that my hubby will definitely put the blame on me! So, I did not tell him on what happened to his car!
I asked HELP in my FB...and the response really relieves me. So, last night, I can still sleep well!
I googled before sleep about tyre. How to take care on your car tyre so as it will have good performance, long lasting (advisable change your tyre every 5 years!) and can reduce the potential of accident!
I will share in the next post tomorrow!!!
Silly me! Be cautious ladies, we need to know and learn about our car if you are driving a car!!!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Tulisan Cute!
Hi...morning Monday!!..Lama cuti rs xnak bgn g keje syiok jer bergomol dgn bebudak kt rumah selama 4 hari...ehehe...
Owh, saya mmg xsempat update kt umah blog ni, busy sgt2...kalau seminit sy alih perhatian ha...mcm2 leh berlaku....kendian pulak, kalau sy leka dgn intenet, then, bebudak kacau daun...haaa...mmg tetibe hangin puting beliung saya dtg menerpa...dan bebudak kenelah sound baikkkk punya dgn saya...kendian, (bp byk kendian dah...hihi), sy rs berslh...dan rs lebih xON laptop lgsg...tgk status FB pon..kt phone ajer...baca blog org pon kt phone saja...ehehe...
Oh, terbaca komen Nor, nk tahu mana dpt tulisan comey cam budak sekolah ni...kalau nor nk tahu...saya tulis sendiri lah...haaa...spesel kn kompite sy...kihkihkih.....gurau jer....xdelah...saya xsempat nk capture gambar hrp2 Nor fhm ler ek...instruction kt bwh ni..
1) Mula-mula...kt dashboard tu, g kat "Design"
2) Kemudian g kat " Template Designer"
3) kemudian g kat "Advanced", kt sini nnt kuar ler...tulisan2 pilihan utk blog....ehehe..senang jer...xsusah la..utk org yg xbp IT savvy cam sy ni...kihkihkih....
Selamat mencantikkn tulisan...:)..rsnye, ade org...die dpt copy paste script utk tulisan...mungkin ambil dr sy xrajin..kendian edit html utk template blog tu...pon buleh jugek....
Owh, saya mmg xsempat update kt umah blog ni, busy sgt2...kalau seminit sy alih perhatian ha...mcm2 leh berlaku....kendian pulak, kalau sy leka dgn intenet, then, bebudak kacau daun...haaa...mmg tetibe hangin puting beliung saya dtg menerpa...dan bebudak kenelah sound baikkkk punya dgn saya...kendian, (bp byk kendian dah...hihi), sy rs berslh...dan rs lebih xON laptop lgsg...tgk status FB pon..kt phone ajer...baca blog org pon kt phone saja...ehehe...
Oh, terbaca komen Nor, nk tahu mana dpt tulisan comey cam budak sekolah ni...kalau nor nk tahu...saya tulis sendiri lah...haaa...spesel kn kompite sy...kihkihkih.....gurau jer....xdelah...saya xsempat nk capture gambar hrp2 Nor fhm ler ek...instruction kt bwh ni..
1) Mula-mula...kt dashboard tu, g kat "Design"
2) Kemudian g kat " Template Designer"
3) kemudian g kat "Advanced", kt sini nnt kuar ler...tulisan2 pilihan utk blog....ehehe..senang jer...xsusah la..utk org yg xbp IT savvy cam sy ni...kihkihkih....
Selamat mencantikkn tulisan...:)..rsnye, ade org...die dpt copy paste script utk tulisan...mungkin ambil dr sy xrajin..kendian edit html utk template blog tu...pon buleh jugek....
Friday, February 4, 2011
Cerita Mesir
Skang ni heboh psl cerita riot di Mesir. Kemudian saya tertanya2 sendiri, ape puncanya (nampak sgt xmengikuti perkembangan semasa). jadi sy pon google lah...dan jugak bertanya pd org ramai (ceh, mcm ramai sgt jer)...rupenye kisah nk menggulingkan kerajaan...rakyat xpuas hati dgn kepimpinan ketua negara Mesir yg skang ni..
Punyala lama seorg ini memegang kuasa kt Mesir, dan tidak byk kemajuan yg dibawa utk Mesir. Rakyat terhimpit dgn harga2 barang yg makin hari makin naik..(sounds familiar tak??..mcm Mesia jugak...ada penah haraga barang turun??..makin naik adalah)...pehtu...penggangguran pon meningkat...(sounds familiar??...Ha...gergasi minyak kt Mesia pon dh tetapkn 10% tiap thn utk dioffer pakej pegi 'Haji'...ehehe..)...
Kasihan tu kasihan jugak...ttp musykil, mereka menentang kerajaan, ttp banduan terlps kandang, crime meningkat..sapa yg melakukan semua tu? Kasihan saudara2 kita yg blajar kt Mesir...mesti diorg ketakutan...yelah...ade artikel ckp, ade yg kene rogol...takut tak? Pecah masuk rumah tu...hmm..sampai ade yg tido pegang pisau...punyala cuak..(tido pon tido-tido ayam la kot...takut sgt)...bekalan makanan pon xmencukupi...sungguh2 mereka diuji...
Saya mendoakan anda2 yg sedang diuji Allah ni..bykkan bersabar...dan dpt menempuhi semua dgn selamat..InshaAllah...xlama je tu...moga Allah melindungi kalian...Aminn...
Punyala lama seorg ini memegang kuasa kt Mesir, dan tidak byk kemajuan yg dibawa utk Mesir. Rakyat terhimpit dgn harga2 barang yg makin hari makin naik..(sounds familiar tak??..mcm Mesia jugak...ada penah haraga barang turun??..makin naik adalah)...pehtu...penggangguran pon meningkat...(sounds familiar??...Ha...gergasi minyak kt Mesia pon dh tetapkn 10% tiap thn utk dioffer pakej pegi 'Haji'...ehehe..)...
Kasihan tu kasihan jugak...ttp musykil, mereka menentang kerajaan, ttp banduan terlps kandang, crime meningkat..sapa yg melakukan semua tu? Kasihan saudara2 kita yg blajar kt Mesir...mesti diorg ketakutan...yelah...ade artikel ckp, ade yg kene rogol...takut tak? Pecah masuk rumah tu...hmm..sampai ade yg tido pegang pisau...punyala cuak..(tido pon tido-tido ayam la kot...takut sgt)...bekalan makanan pon xmencukupi...sungguh2 mereka diuji...
Saya mendoakan anda2 yg sedang diuji Allah ni..bykkan bersabar...dan dpt menempuhi semua dgn selamat..InshaAllah...xlama je tu...moga Allah melindungi kalian...Aminn...
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Jom bercucuk tanam!
Eheh..kalau sape yg rajin baca blog ni, mesti terperasan, saya ade mentioned that I already have a new hobby...actually it was my hobby since I was a kid, but apparently, it stops for quite sometime after I went to SOKSEK. Yelah, dah duk asrama, nk bercucuk tanam cemane nyer?
Ini mungkin tanaman pertama saya, buleh dimakan, mmg slalu pon beli, jd biler tanam, nnt hasil nya buleh dibuat mkn sendiri..ini menggunakan kotak McD...eheh....saya cuma bli tanah dan biji benih...
Tapi.....setelah saya menggemburkan tanah itu hari...satu petak, tanaman nyer sume mati...sedih-sedih...:(..3 petak lagi...masih hidup..Alhamdulillah...ehehe..
Yang ini, tanaman yg sama seperti dlm kotak McD, cuma saya tanam dlm pasu...Alhamdulillah, sume masih elok lg...
Haaa...yg ini tanaman ulam kegemaran saya...ehehe...bagus utk perjalanan darah...dan menyeimbangkan hormon dlm berkesan utk saya la...(saya slalu ade masalah dtg bulan yg xtentu hala...pas mkn ulam ni..terus jd OK!)...saya tanam dlm pasu jugak...Oh..pasu tu beli ler...ehehe...

Tapi.....setelah saya menggemburkan tanah itu hari...satu petak, tanaman nyer sume mati...sedih-sedih...:(..3 petak lagi...masih hidup..Alhamdulillah...ehehe..


Ha...saya tanam 2 jenis tanaman yg jd fevret saya...iaitu sawi dan ulam raja..eheh...nnt kita tgk hasilnya later2...masih kecil saya sek rendah...saya rajin tanam-tanam ni..macam-macam saya tanam...smua tanaman menjadi pulak tu...suburrrr....sampai xtermkn hasilnya! Antara tanaman2 saya di waktu lapang dulu...(mak pulak suke giler saya rajin tanam-tanam ni...psl mmg saya jaga betul tanaman saya tu)
Ada kacang panjang, ade bendi, ade sawi, ade daun bawang, ade daun sup, ade labu, ade kacang botol, ade pucuk manis, ade pokok cili, pokok terung, pokok betik, dan mcm2 lagi..yang saya pun dh lupa...ehehe....siap berbatas2....utk santapan sendiri2 serius...sampai xlrt nk mkn....
Seronok berkebun...terisi masa lapang...hasil pon dpt...:)
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Saya Lapar..
Hari ni terbgn lambat...psl smlm mengerjakn red velvet...(konon-konon)..pehtu ditambah pulak Asif yg xsnang tido...(kenape tah?)..dan jugak mata saya kalau terlps jam 11.00 mlm tu...dah susah nk tido...(kenape yek?)...jadi mcm nk stay dok peringat kat diri, esok kerja la...kene bgn awal...
Hasilnya, pg ni bgn lewat..ehehe..
Oh, smlm, saya buat kerabu pegaga...perghhh...sdap giler best!..berselera betul mkn nasi panas2, lauk ikan goring jer...pehtu dgn kicap...simple je kn...lauk org bujang...cemtu lah...konon-konon nk masak sambal rs goring ikan dulu la...psl bebudak mkn ikan...xmkn sotong lg..(takut allergic!).
Pehtu dok peringat gak dlm kepala nk wat red velvet cupcake. Amik resepi dlm magazine, dok tunggu bebudak tido..psl nk gune oven, nnt kang xpsl2 si tecit tu dtg ke dapur nk tolong baking bebudak tido...baru la start project red velvet itew...
Hasilnya??...dpt la 24 ketul mini size cupcake...(dahla gune yogurt perisa mango...haha....kisah xpasan yogurt kosong tu dh expired!-rugi-rugi)...xsusah pon nk buatnyer...xgune mixer pon....konon-konon nk utilize mixer still berhibernasi dlm kotak die lagi...ehehe....nnt la...nk buat aper yekkk....tunggu hubby balik la kot...baru wat cake sekali dgn deco2...die leh main dgn buleh buat cake saya...

Hmm...mascarphone takde...lgpon saya bukanlah penggemar cheese xheran...konon-konon nk buat ler errrr....terlupa cara bancuhan icing...icing sugar dah ler...hihihi...nk tgk gambar plain red rs kene tingkatkn lagi kot cam...urm...nape kek saya xnaik sekata ehhh....mesti membolat rs tu sedap laaaa....ehehe..(puji sdiri sendiri...haruslah!)
Oh...sebenarnye saya tgh lapar ni...blum brekfas...kejap lg nk turun jalan2 cari mkn...McD ok??
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