Friday, December 3, 2010


I just spent 5 working days on technical training. It was a classroom session. The trainer gave us quiz at the start and we redo it again at the end of the training.

How well I perform the quiz?

Well, being me..blank headed..haha...I think..the first test...was worst ever! yes! Even it was an open book and the questions were quite straight forward..I was not able to answer all within the given 30 minutes time. Hah! That was really embarrassing! Being a MSc graduate, I should have answer everything correctly! And the retest...I even had to ask the trainer on the basic, very basic formula to calculate the answer...Oh man...that was really...really...embarrassing!

How the hell I forget everything I've learnt before?

Must have lots of nerve broke up during my delivery??...Ha Ha..That's make me forgetful sometimes??...Can I blame that?..Can I??...

Or, is it because I haven't practice any of the knowledge and skill I gained from Msc in my daily work??...Quite frustrating right??..I studied the most hardest subject but I am practicing the most simplest subject...better I don't go through all the hassle to learn mathematics...algebra...fluid dynamics..heat transfer...physics...etc...etc...I should have only took the social science instead...hmmph...

What to is not always be the way you always want it to be...right??

So..what I have to do now???

Learn to live with it!!..:)

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