Monday, December 13, 2010


A week, I've been a superwoman based on my own definition. Last Friday, was the most impactful day in my life.

Number One,
I was given a bad news by HR which made me burst into tears in front of the HR personnel. I was so frustrated with what had happened and the personnel can't help me since the problem is with the other section which I've already approached and the reason was something that I don't know what to say anymore. I believe, must be something wrong with the system that they obligate to follow. And actually, I am tired to follow up on this as they always works reactively! Where the practice of the Be Proactive that introduced by HR during our orientation program???? WHERE?

Number Two;
There was an event at work that I need to manage. Well, be the shopper to the shopping list. I estimated the expenses would be around RM375ish and ended up, we only spend RM248.30.COST SAVING is there!! Yeay!! The event went well and all the food except the packet food all finish. Many were also happy with the cakes we bought for the birthday boys n girls.

Number Three;
I rushed home to go to night market. The fridge is empty, nothing can be turn into lovely dishes. So after Asar solah, I grabbed my shopping trolley and off to the market and quickly done the shopping. After about 30 minutes, clock was showing 6.30pm, then I finished my last bought, rushed to pick up Aqil at his school, then to Asif's. We reached home almost 7pm.

Number Four;
We only eat bread that night since I was too tired to cook anything after the hectic day on that day.


nur said...

hope u are ok now after the bad news..take care supermama!

portobellamom said...

stay tough bebeh!