Monday, January 31, 2011
Org Cuti, Kita Kerja
Org lain sume bercuti, tambah2 yg kerja kt Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur. Apply annual leave 2 hari jer...dpt la sabtu ke ahad next week tu cuti...what a long saya xcuti, kedekut cuti dlm kata lain, selagi cuti xkritikal, saya kerja, lgpon nk buat apa cuti, bukan leh ke mana2 pon..dok umah jugak...huhu...nk berjln...skang ni kan musim hujan...
Mujur Aqil skolah senin dan rabu, so xdelah terasa rugi xamik least dpt jugak fokus wat kerja time2 bos tadek...haha...cuak je kalau bos ade yek! Takut ler tu..kene tangkap pemalas!! Hehe..mmg sejak akhir2 ni, mentang nk closing financial year dah ni...mood kerja rajin-rajin xsampai2...mungkin sbb byk hal dgn HR seblum ni kot...die jadi demotivated dah...mujur kerja xbyk yg kritikal...dlm kata lain...dah siap pon kerja penting2...kerja2 tambahan jer yg tinggal (dlm erti kata lain, yg masuk KPI...sume dh meet..cukuplah meet requirement...bukan leh terbang tinggi pon kalau beyond meeting requirement...huhu)
Kalau ikot hati yg nakal, nak jer balik after lunch...yelah...keje pon mmg leh siap dah pagi buat ape??..Balik nak??? tido?? Cover tido yg xcukup...ish..asyik xcukup tido jer...bila nk cukupnyer??? Haish...ehehe..mmg suka tido kot..:P..Hmm...Asif saket perut rupenye mlm td...patutla menangis tetiber mlm2...terkejut ai...igt kot ade antoo kacau die ker...hish..mintak simpang...umah ai bersih suci...aminnnn...
Hmm..cuti pjg nk buat ape??..Jum kita baking balik nak???...Esok igt nk wat red velvet..sape nak??..mai keje hari rajin, ai buat esok...n ai bwk hari rabu sok...ehehe....claim kt office ai ok...ehehe...:)
Mujur Aqil skolah senin dan rabu, so xdelah terasa rugi xamik least dpt jugak fokus wat kerja time2 bos tadek...haha...cuak je kalau bos ade yek! Takut ler tu..kene tangkap pemalas!! Hehe..mmg sejak akhir2 ni, mentang nk closing financial year dah ni...mood kerja rajin-rajin xsampai2...mungkin sbb byk hal dgn HR seblum ni kot...die jadi demotivated dah...mujur kerja xbyk yg kritikal...dlm kata lain...dah siap pon kerja penting2...kerja2 tambahan jer yg tinggal (dlm erti kata lain, yg masuk KPI...sume dh meet..cukuplah meet requirement...bukan leh terbang tinggi pon kalau beyond meeting requirement...huhu)
Kalau ikot hati yg nakal, nak jer balik after lunch...yelah...keje pon mmg leh siap dah pagi buat ape??..Balik nak??? tido?? Cover tido yg xcukup...ish..asyik xcukup tido jer...bila nk cukupnyer??? Haish...ehehe..mmg suka tido kot..:P..Hmm...Asif saket perut rupenye mlm td...patutla menangis tetiber mlm2...terkejut ai...igt kot ade antoo kacau die ker...hish..mintak simpang...umah ai bersih suci...aminnnn...
Hmm..cuti pjg nk buat ape??..Jum kita baking balik nak???...Esok igt nk wat red velvet..sape nak??..mai keje hari rajin, ai buat esok...n ai bwk hari rabu sok...ehehe....claim kt office ai ok...ehehe...:)
Friday, January 28, 2011
Hmm...CNY nak dekat, sek Aqil xde inform ape2 psl cuti. Jgn wat hal terkejut tergempak, anta hari senin, pintu pagar tutup...sudahhhhhhh...lenkali ckp awal, snang nk apply cuti..camnila melayu nyer bisnes...agak2 la..parents mostly keje, makan gaji pulak tu, igt snang2 ke leh cuti mengejut cemtu...dpt bos yg strict..ha...alamatnye...dpt warning letter ataupun surat cinta...offer pakej pegi haji...ehehe...
Pehtu pulak, takat 2-3 parents sibuk nk anak cuti, so satu sekolah kene tutup lah...lantak p la parents tu...nk anta anak skolah ke tak..ape pasal kalau cuti, lyn baik punya...xpk parents lain yg bekerja....huh! Yang parents pon satu hal...sibuk mintak sek cuti apekes???..Kalu korang nk g cuti2 makan angin ke...pontengkan ajelah anak korang drpd nk suh cikgu tutup satu sekolah...menyusahkan mak bapak org lain tahu tak...huh! Menyirap eden...2 kali tau kene...sek xinform kata sekolah tutup...
Tu psl nk tuka sek sgt2...xthn dgn administration die...nk cuti tp bitau last minute...hampeh tak? Sbb dah xde sek lain kt situ yg OK, tu yg masih anta situ....tutup seblah mata jelah...Aqil masih xreti membaca atau mengire...byr ribu2 utk yg sekular...xdpt ape....solat pon..main2 ajer...hmmm...kita nk tolong org camni ke???
-dah siap sedia nk apply cuti mlm kang kut2 tetibe balik kang ckp sek tutup seminggu sbb CNY..haih...kome skolah agama pon sambut CNY ka??? thn lps sama gak..cuti sakan ms CNY....-
Pehtu pulak, takat 2-3 parents sibuk nk anak cuti, so satu sekolah kene tutup lah...lantak p la parents tu...nk anta anak skolah ke tak..ape pasal kalau cuti, lyn baik punya...xpk parents lain yg bekerja....huh! Yang parents pon satu hal...sibuk mintak sek cuti apekes???..Kalu korang nk g cuti2 makan angin ke...pontengkan ajelah anak korang drpd nk suh cikgu tutup satu sekolah...menyusahkan mak bapak org lain tahu tak...huh! Menyirap eden...2 kali tau kene...sek xinform kata sekolah tutup...
Tu psl nk tuka sek sgt2...xthn dgn administration die...nk cuti tp bitau last minute...hampeh tak? Sbb dah xde sek lain kt situ yg OK, tu yg masih anta situ....tutup seblah mata jelah...Aqil masih xreti membaca atau mengire...byr ribu2 utk yg sekular...xdpt ape....solat pon..main2 ajer...hmmm...kita nk tolong org camni ke???
-dah siap sedia nk apply cuti mlm kang kut2 tetibe balik kang ckp sek tutup seminggu sbb CNY..haih...kome skolah agama pon sambut CNY ka??? thn lps sama gak..cuti sakan ms CNY....-
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Mood Menulis
Hmm, selepas demam, nampaknya mood menulis blog telah drop. Tak tahu mengapa, seakan-akan ketandusan idea. Atau terlalu byk sgt idea sampai xtahu patut tulis yg mana dahulu...ehe..maybe the latter kot..haha..
Owh, demam saya dah baik, Alhamdulillah, tetapi batuk masih lagi uhuk uhuk...sedikit sedikit...mujur xterpelanting anak tekak ms batuk..ehehe...
Project baking tergendala, kisahnya, plug kat dapur rosak. Tapi dh bli extension sbg temporary solution. Namun disbbkn demam haritu, bdn masih lagi terasa sengal2 dan oleh itu, saya ambil precaution, bermalas-malasan utk lg seminggu 2 sehingga benar2 telah pulih 100%.
Harap2 bhn2 baking saya blum capai tarikh expirynya. Eheh. Tapi sapa yg nk mkn nnt nih? Hmm...buat separuh jelah kot...trial version...
Niat nk msk nasi lemak pon asyik pospon ajer. Weekdays skang, sampai umah awal, terusb aring 20 menit, rehatkn minda seblum amik anak2 pulang. Mmg kalau nk sampai ke lewat ptg, mata ni asyik nk terkatup ajer lately. Jadi, saya amik keputusan, sampai umah, take nap dulu..walau realitynya..saya hanya baring sambil pejamkn mata.
Owh, ke mana yer cita2 nk jd penulis sebenar ni. Idea bertimbun, tp xtersusun, skang, hilang sudahhhhhhh. Kene bgn semula dan fikirkn idea yg baru..penulisan utk tatapan anak cucu cicit piut miut etc...etc...eheheh...
Owh, demam saya dah baik, Alhamdulillah, tetapi batuk masih lagi uhuk uhuk...sedikit sedikit...mujur xterpelanting anak tekak ms batuk..ehehe...
Project baking tergendala, kisahnya, plug kat dapur rosak. Tapi dh bli extension sbg temporary solution. Namun disbbkn demam haritu, bdn masih lagi terasa sengal2 dan oleh itu, saya ambil precaution, bermalas-malasan utk lg seminggu 2 sehingga benar2 telah pulih 100%.
Harap2 bhn2 baking saya blum capai tarikh expirynya. Eheh. Tapi sapa yg nk mkn nnt nih? Hmm...buat separuh jelah kot...trial version...
Niat nk msk nasi lemak pon asyik pospon ajer. Weekdays skang, sampai umah awal, terusb aring 20 menit, rehatkn minda seblum amik anak2 pulang. Mmg kalau nk sampai ke lewat ptg, mata ni asyik nk terkatup ajer lately. Jadi, saya amik keputusan, sampai umah, take nap dulu..walau realitynya..saya hanya baring sambil pejamkn mata.
Owh, ke mana yer cita2 nk jd penulis sebenar ni. Idea bertimbun, tp xtersusun, skang, hilang sudahhhhhhh. Kene bgn semula dan fikirkn idea yg baru..penulisan utk tatapan anak cucu cicit piut miut etc...etc...eheheh...
Monday, January 24, 2011
Painful Fever
I was down with fever starting from last Wednesday. Actually it was only a beginning, then I opted to go and seek medical attention since I've always got 'bebel' by one of my colleugue whenever I was caught in flu at office, so, this time, I seek doctor before it's going to get worser.
So, I went down to TTMC at Suria KLCC very early in the morning, the clinic was just open for about half an hour but hey, why so many people waiting already? Then, I saw X-rays file, so I guess, this must be new recruits health screening time. I just remembered that, their appointments always inthe morning where not many patients visiting the clinic.
Then, I met the GP, but I forgot to ask for MC. Because I thought the GP will give me MC when she had already prescribed me the drowsy medicine. There, I was wrong for the first time ever! Normally, I did not get MC because the GP prescribed me non-drowsy medicine since I am working. As I still could remember, last time, when I got a drowsy medicine, the GP will offer me MC! Yeah, how I'm going to do my work when in drowsy? I must eat the pill during office time to get better, right? Simple thought then!
So, I pickup my prescription and went back to office. I straight away ate the medicine, one is the lozenges. And the one is Zyrtex D, to decongest my congested nose. After few minutes, I felt heavy. My eyes just wwanted to close. So, I rest on my chair at my desk. (mana ade tilam dan bantal kt office!). Managed to nap a while, but still feel heavy, then I went to the filing room where the ladies always perform solah there, and lay there. Luckily there is a pillow inside but hard surfaces though.
I woke up a few minutes before lunch hour finishes, my head was spinning like mad, by body was chilling like I am stucking in the winter coldness, I feel all my spines, bones, nerves are tightening and are waiting to split off and my skin was smoking hot like the campfire.But still, I did not look like I am sick! My face just did not want to show it!
I wanted to go home early, but too weak to go and tell to my boss as his room is on the other side of the section. Too weak to walk either. I never felt this weak before, even after gave birth, the pain is not like this.It was just uncomfortable and painful, I can say!
I got home at 5.15pm, and get some sleep, before I fetch the kids. But my head was still spinning like mad, like it's going to explode at anytime when the trigger button is touched! I fetched the kids, and am too weak too walk but I hold my breath that I have to do it as they 100% relying on me, alone! I even did not bought our dinner that day as it was getting so late already and plus I was getting weaker and weaker. So, with the remaining energy I left, I should just bring the children home.
That night, I slept early, I told Aqil, I am sick, I prepared him some light dinner, prepared him his drink and I slept. But, how can I had a peaceful sleep when living with 1 baby and 1 toddler? So, my headache was getting worsen as a result of not enough rest+sleep+too much of thinking. I felt like a zombie walking in the house.
Around 8ish, i told Aqil I want to get sleep. I prepared his bed and brought Asif in to co-sleep with me. Lucky Asif is already sleepy since he had so much milk as I did not pump that day. (I don't pump at office whenever I fell sick!) As Asif sleep, then, I managed to sleep. Suddenly, around 10ish, I woke up in terror, looking for Aqil, then I saw, Aqil already on his bed. Poor Aqil, he must be very hungry as I was not around to entertain his tummy need.
I couldn't sleep that night, due to the strain in my nerve and the strong painful headache. My body was chilling in the inside but hot at the outside. It was very painful I couldnt tell you more. It was just the horror fever I ever had!
The next morning, the headache was still there, but I need to wake up, as Asif was fully awake. Aqil as well. It was Thaipusam holiday. I can't remember what I cook, I don't think I cook anything, but there was cooked rice anyway, some bread, and I made Aqil bread with jam. Made his drink ready and I gave some biscuits and cereal to him as well. Asif? Clingy with me, drink from me all the time which I was not sure, was there milk??? Tawakal jer...
Then on Friday, after I send out both kids to the person in charge. I went to another clinic. I was still weak. I thought there was nearby 24 hours clinic, but hey, I still had to go to WM for 24 hours clinic. I told the GP my experience, and he prescribed me the non-drowsy medicine and I ultimately asked for MC to just having a bedrest by my own!
I lost my voice, I lost my taste, my cough become hard, my head feels like to explode, my body weak as ever, all because of the drowsy flu medicine. I will never ever took any drowsy medicine anymore. NEVER! I'll go to GP, and straight away asked for MC whenever I sick! (I only had 1 MC in 2010 (kalau xslh) after came back from maternity leave - btw, my company does not award anything jelah...ade 30 hari kan!)
So, I went down to TTMC at Suria KLCC very early in the morning, the clinic was just open for about half an hour but hey, why so many people waiting already? Then, I saw X-rays file, so I guess, this must be new recruits health screening time. I just remembered that, their appointments always inthe morning where not many patients visiting the clinic.
Then, I met the GP, but I forgot to ask for MC. Because I thought the GP will give me MC when she had already prescribed me the drowsy medicine. There, I was wrong for the first time ever! Normally, I did not get MC because the GP prescribed me non-drowsy medicine since I am working. As I still could remember, last time, when I got a drowsy medicine, the GP will offer me MC! Yeah, how I'm going to do my work when in drowsy? I must eat the pill during office time to get better, right? Simple thought then!
So, I pickup my prescription and went back to office. I straight away ate the medicine, one is the lozenges. And the one is Zyrtex D, to decongest my congested nose. After few minutes, I felt heavy. My eyes just wwanted to close. So, I rest on my chair at my desk. (mana ade tilam dan bantal kt office!). Managed to nap a while, but still feel heavy, then I went to the filing room where the ladies always perform solah there, and lay there. Luckily there is a pillow inside but hard surfaces though.
I woke up a few minutes before lunch hour finishes, my head was spinning like mad, by body was chilling like I am stucking in the winter coldness, I feel all my spines, bones, nerves are tightening and are waiting to split off and my skin was smoking hot like the campfire.But still, I did not look like I am sick! My face just did not want to show it!
I wanted to go home early, but too weak to go and tell to my boss as his room is on the other side of the section. Too weak to walk either. I never felt this weak before, even after gave birth, the pain is not like this.It was just uncomfortable and painful, I can say!
I got home at 5.15pm, and get some sleep, before I fetch the kids. But my head was still spinning like mad, like it's going to explode at anytime when the trigger button is touched! I fetched the kids, and am too weak too walk but I hold my breath that I have to do it as they 100% relying on me, alone! I even did not bought our dinner that day as it was getting so late already and plus I was getting weaker and weaker. So, with the remaining energy I left, I should just bring the children home.
That night, I slept early, I told Aqil, I am sick, I prepared him some light dinner, prepared him his drink and I slept. But, how can I had a peaceful sleep when living with 1 baby and 1 toddler? So, my headache was getting worsen as a result of not enough rest+sleep+too much of thinking. I felt like a zombie walking in the house.
Around 8ish, i told Aqil I want to get sleep. I prepared his bed and brought Asif in to co-sleep with me. Lucky Asif is already sleepy since he had so much milk as I did not pump that day. (I don't pump at office whenever I fell sick!) As Asif sleep, then, I managed to sleep. Suddenly, around 10ish, I woke up in terror, looking for Aqil, then I saw, Aqil already on his bed. Poor Aqil, he must be very hungry as I was not around to entertain his tummy need.
I couldn't sleep that night, due to the strain in my nerve and the strong painful headache. My body was chilling in the inside but hot at the outside. It was very painful I couldnt tell you more. It was just the horror fever I ever had!
The next morning, the headache was still there, but I need to wake up, as Asif was fully awake. Aqil as well. It was Thaipusam holiday. I can't remember what I cook, I don't think I cook anything, but there was cooked rice anyway, some bread, and I made Aqil bread with jam. Made his drink ready and I gave some biscuits and cereal to him as well. Asif? Clingy with me, drink from me all the time which I was not sure, was there milk??? Tawakal jer...
Then on Friday, after I send out both kids to the person in charge. I went to another clinic. I was still weak. I thought there was nearby 24 hours clinic, but hey, I still had to go to WM for 24 hours clinic. I told the GP my experience, and he prescribed me the non-drowsy medicine and I ultimately asked for MC to just having a bedrest by my own!
I lost my voice, I lost my taste, my cough become hard, my head feels like to explode, my body weak as ever, all because of the drowsy flu medicine. I will never ever took any drowsy medicine anymore. NEVER! I'll go to GP, and straight away asked for MC whenever I sick! (I only had 1 MC in 2010 (kalau xslh) after came back from maternity leave - btw, my company does not award anything jelah...ade 30 hari kan!)
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Salahke Azan Kuat-kuat?
Actually terbaca dlm newspaper hari ni. Mungkin isu ni dh lama tp sy baru tahu (xup to date). Isu pasal volume azan kt Masjid Al-Ikhlasiah di Pantai Dalam. Pihak masjid mendakwa, JAWI telah memberi nasihat kepada mereka supaya turunkan volume pembesar suara sms azan.
Oh, saya terkejut jugak, di Malaysia, yg didakwa sbg Negara Islam, tokleh azan kuat-kuatke??? Mengganggu ke Azan tu??? Atau mmg betulke salah kalau laung azan kuat2 sampai terbgn sume org pd waktu subuh???
Saya xde jwpn tp sbg hamba Allah yg iman pon turun naik, sy xnampak slh silap laungan azan. We live in negara Islam, so, buleh la azan kuat2 kan, utk umat Islam. Indah azan tu, mungkin ada org xdpt nk menikmati keindahan azan tersebut.
Personally, hati saya tenang bila dgr azan. Sume perasaan timbul, syukur, redha, rendah hati, rindu dan cinta terhdp Pencipta. Tak rasa cemtu ke?
Azan pon dilaungkan mendayu2, merdu oleh muazzin yg sdap suara nya. Saya masih xnampak kenape perlu azan bisik2 ajer?? Lagi syiok la org tido pepagi buta sampai terlepas SUBUH lg....
p/s: teringat lagu kumpulan Raihan "peristiwa Subuh", eh tu ke tajuk die?
Oh, saya terkejut jugak, di Malaysia, yg didakwa sbg Negara Islam, tokleh azan kuat-kuatke??? Mengganggu ke Azan tu??? Atau mmg betulke salah kalau laung azan kuat2 sampai terbgn sume org pd waktu subuh???
Saya xde jwpn tp sbg hamba Allah yg iman pon turun naik, sy xnampak slh silap laungan azan. We live in negara Islam, so, buleh la azan kuat2 kan, utk umat Islam. Indah azan tu, mungkin ada org xdpt nk menikmati keindahan azan tersebut.
Personally, hati saya tenang bila dgr azan. Sume perasaan timbul, syukur, redha, rendah hati, rindu dan cinta terhdp Pencipta. Tak rasa cemtu ke?
Azan pon dilaungkan mendayu2, merdu oleh muazzin yg sdap suara nya. Saya masih xnampak kenape perlu azan bisik2 ajer?? Lagi syiok la org tido pepagi buta sampai terlepas SUBUH lg....
p/s: teringat lagu kumpulan Raihan "peristiwa Subuh", eh tu ke tajuk die?
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Mama, saya Lemam..
Yesterday Aqil was caught with fever. He seemed so fatigue. He kept sayings he's having a headache (am not sure wether he really knows what a headache is but he kept pointing to his head though,). And being a spoilt Aqil, whenever he gets sick, he is really really sick! I am not sure if he is exaggerating everytime he gets sick, because it's look like he is! (Just to get my full attention and care).
He knew when he is feverish, he touches his forehead and neck and will say, "Mama, saya Lemam".
I was worried if he would get fit as many said, small kids easily get fit during high fever. And I did not know why I did not take his temperature. I kept touching him because my skin was a bit cold due to cold weather I guess and I kept sponge him during night time to ensure his skin is moist and cool. With a hope, his temperature will goes back to normal.
He was so naughty when he is in good health but so fatigue when he is ill. That's Aqil. Whatever it is, I was so proud to be his mother as this morning, his teacher told me, during school hours, he still want to learn with his friends even being told to just lie down and rest. That was really spirited sickchild on his quest to become successful person in future. I never thought that he still got courage to do things beyond his capabilities. (Cam Mama diala....cewahhh..perasan!*wink*wink)
He knew when he is feverish, he touches his forehead and neck and will say, "Mama, saya Lemam".
I was worried if he would get fit as many said, small kids easily get fit during high fever. And I did not know why I did not take his temperature. I kept touching him because my skin was a bit cold due to cold weather I guess and I kept sponge him during night time to ensure his skin is moist and cool. With a hope, his temperature will goes back to normal.
He was so naughty when he is in good health but so fatigue when he is ill. That's Aqil. Whatever it is, I was so proud to be his mother as this morning, his teacher told me, during school hours, he still want to learn with his friends even being told to just lie down and rest. That was really spirited sickchild on his quest to become successful person in future. I never thought that he still got courage to do things beyond his capabilities. (Cam Mama diala....cewahhh..perasan!*wink*wink)
Monday, January 17, 2011
Ada budak merengek2 sbb mata dah tamau lelap. Mlm seblum tu tido punya awal, sbb tido sekali jer waktu siang (biasa 2 kali). Jadi kul 5.30 pagi, die dah segar bugar dgn suara garau die.
Mama: Adik, syuhhh...abg tido..
Adik: Sssss
Mama: Syuhhhh...
Adik: Sssss
Mama: Syuhhh...
Adik: Sssss
Wah...tere budak ni ajuk ckp org dah skang niiii...budak2 skang..cepat betul!
Mama: Adik, syuhhh...abg tido..
Adik: Sssss
Mama: Syuhhhh...
Adik: Sssss
Mama: Syuhhh...
Adik: Sssss
Wah...tere budak ni ajuk ckp org dah skang niiii...budak2 skang..cepat betul!
I need Rest!
It will be a nightmare for me when my kids are sick. I've always pray hard for my kids to be in a pink health condition. It will be a heartbreaking moments when seeing the kids endure the sickness. I've been taking care of sick loved ones since I turn my status to a wife. I've been taking care of others without much concern of my own health. Emotionally and physically, it affects a lot, a lot than I can barely think of!
Lately, the little one, always grumbled during night time. I was not sure if it was due to less milk during night feeding as I pumped like usual and the amount, still the same, so I thought, night time, will also be the same. However, I did not realise, for weeks or a month, I've been in a high stress condition. Emotionally & physically, and indirectly, it affect on my milk production without I realising. Just now, I can get the thought of it!
I can't do anything much as I will need to go through this challenging time for another few months or forever. But, this time is really challenged my patience, my skills, my pace, my thoughts, my physical strength as well as my health! Alhamdulillah, there were no near miss fatal so far as I could still hold my breath before I do anything that is out of my mind or anyone's.
And, I don't have a say anymore. Nothing would change the moments I've faced, am facing of going to face. I wanted a peace of mind, belonged to only me, I wanted a bedrest without much thinking of others, I wanted an enjoyable vacation without annoys, screams, grumbles etc. When will I get those? I don't know, I live my life with the flow. When it happens, it happened. When it is not happening, it is not. That's my life after marriage.
I'm bored with all these. I need rest! Seriously I need rest, comfort, attention and love eternally. Which I found really hard to acquire. Some sort of I need to buy all those intagible values that I really need deep in myself.
Lately, the little one, always grumbled during night time. I was not sure if it was due to less milk during night feeding as I pumped like usual and the amount, still the same, so I thought, night time, will also be the same. However, I did not realise, for weeks or a month, I've been in a high stress condition. Emotionally & physically, and indirectly, it affect on my milk production without I realising. Just now, I can get the thought of it!
I can't do anything much as I will need to go through this challenging time for another few months or forever. But, this time is really challenged my patience, my skills, my pace, my thoughts, my physical strength as well as my health! Alhamdulillah, there were no near miss fatal so far as I could still hold my breath before I do anything that is out of my mind or anyone's.
And, I don't have a say anymore. Nothing would change the moments I've faced, am facing of going to face. I wanted a peace of mind, belonged to only me, I wanted a bedrest without much thinking of others, I wanted an enjoyable vacation without annoys, screams, grumbles etc. When will I get those? I don't know, I live my life with the flow. When it happens, it happened. When it is not happening, it is not. That's my life after marriage.
I'm bored with all these. I need rest! Seriously I need rest, comfort, attention and love eternally. Which I found really hard to acquire. Some sort of I need to buy all those intagible values that I really need deep in myself.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Asif dah besar!
"Asif dah besar kan mama" kata Aqil.
No wonder the other tetibe kuar roti bulat out of there as die dh sorok kan a day before, then, selamba jer nk makan roti yg dh keras tu. It was the same hole, mmg that is his secret hiding place.
Sgt jealous when mama is preparing Aqil for school, so, he wanted Aqil's school bag konon-konon, mcm nk pegi skolah ler tu. Nampak tak kotak tisu yg penyek tu...Asif la punya creativity la tu. Tgn seblah pgang granola fruit bar, tu yg jatuh tu, granola yg Aqil mkn, seblum tu, berebut dgn Aqil nakkan granola bar yg sama..
Hmm, this showed an independent baby, die wat hal sendiri, sorong kete tu keliling sofa. Senyap jer. Masa ni dh kenyang dpt mmg xkacau dah mama die nk wat keje lain...

Saturday, January 15, 2011
What you do when you are spouseless?
Watch movie...
Play with kids...
Play games...
Fixing the house...
Staging the house...
Pump in fuel for the car...
Surfing the internet...
Watch movie...
Play with kids...
Play games...
Fixing the house...
Staging the house...
Pump in fuel for the car...
Surfing the internet...
There are many you can do actually to keep your pace at "cool" condition despite missing your spouse endlessly or literally angry with him/her because they left you for a long duration (weeks, months, years) and let you handle the house and kids by your own without any helping hand(s). Just keep your self busy despite it is going to be very tiresome, or, you will be freaking angry monster for the overburden stress that you are in.
Friday, January 14, 2011
The social network
Last night, after both of the kids went to sleep, suddenly I felt very hungry! So I got up out of bed and went to the kitchen to find something to eat.
Switched on the TV and playing with the remote to find a good programme to watch. Then, I found "Semanis Kurma" which it was a live telecast. The speakers are the infamous couple, Ustaz Wan & Ustazah Nor Bahyah. There were guest speakers, Zila Bakarin and Aziz M Osman.
Seriously, I did not notice that it was Zila Bakarin since she looks so difference. I think she is prettier. I was not sure was it because of the make up or what. But seriously, she looks almost similiar to our infamous Diva, Dato CT. Very beautiful indeed!
Oh, they were discussing about the social network websites such as facebook! I have facebook as well. So I was listening to this lady, who called them last night, this Lady was telling them that, she closed her facebook when she felt she somewhat going to cheat her husband. She chitchatted with guy friends which are not her mahram. So, she was afraid of falling into any of her guy friends after they have shared a lot of personal stories.
And another Lady called, and told them that, her husband wants to get married with another woman whom he met through facebook. She sounds frustrated as she already put all her trust on her husband as her husband is busy doing something on the computer, and she tought, her husband was reading the online newspaper. She feels cheated by her husband. Even her husband is a nice husband as she said so (she is really strong, very good wife!) but still she is frustrated with her husband request to marry another woman.
Involvement with the social networking websites such as facebook, not long ago, we had friendsters is not wrong actually. We ourselves should've put some sort of limit to what extend we want to build the network. As well as your intention in having the social network. As for me, I restricted only for my friends who are really know me and I don't simply accept friend request if am not sure who they are.
Even if that person used to be my friend long2 ago, if I am not sure who they are, I will not accept. I treat FB as a venue for me to get to know what others are doing. (to keep in touch with friends).
As well as if you want to share your feelings, please do not share it with your opposite sex if you are married. Respect your spouse trust on you. As, it is because of sharing with the opposite sex, if you are get too carried away, it will turn into a scandal. So, becareful!
Switched on the TV and playing with the remote to find a good programme to watch. Then, I found "Semanis Kurma" which it was a live telecast. The speakers are the infamous couple, Ustaz Wan & Ustazah Nor Bahyah. There were guest speakers, Zila Bakarin and Aziz M Osman.
Seriously, I did not notice that it was Zila Bakarin since she looks so difference. I think she is prettier. I was not sure was it because of the make up or what. But seriously, she looks almost similiar to our infamous Diva, Dato CT. Very beautiful indeed!
Oh, they were discussing about the social network websites such as facebook! I have facebook as well. So I was listening to this lady, who called them last night, this Lady was telling them that, she closed her facebook when she felt she somewhat going to cheat her husband. She chitchatted with guy friends which are not her mahram. So, she was afraid of falling into any of her guy friends after they have shared a lot of personal stories.
And another Lady called, and told them that, her husband wants to get married with another woman whom he met through facebook. She sounds frustrated as she already put all her trust on her husband as her husband is busy doing something on the computer, and she tought, her husband was reading the online newspaper. She feels cheated by her husband. Even her husband is a nice husband as she said so (she is really strong, very good wife!) but still she is frustrated with her husband request to marry another woman.
Involvement with the social networking websites such as facebook, not long ago, we had friendsters is not wrong actually. We ourselves should've put some sort of limit to what extend we want to build the network. As well as your intention in having the social network. As for me, I restricted only for my friends who are really know me and I don't simply accept friend request if am not sure who they are.
Even if that person used to be my friend long2 ago, if I am not sure who they are, I will not accept. I treat FB as a venue for me to get to know what others are doing. (to keep in touch with friends).
As well as if you want to share your feelings, please do not share it with your opposite sex if you are married. Respect your spouse trust on you. As, it is because of sharing with the opposite sex, if you are get too carried away, it will turn into a scandal. So, becareful!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
I spent my freetime watching a malay movie entitled "Papadom" since yesterday. Thank you to "someone" who had it uploaded in youtube. Then, I still can enjoy the movie treat that is the most difficult thing in the world I could get nowadays.
The story began as a hawker who sells "nasi kandar" in an alley in Penang. her wife was heavily pregnant with the first child. The paradigm changes after their daughter was born. The hawker, Saadom is really famous with his papadom, a snack that we used to eat with nasi beriyani, nasi kandar, and it is homemade. Together with his friends, a chinese, Alan and an indian, Ali, they build a business plan which made them richer and richer. The business grew very well, expanded to oversea and they even had a factory to produce papadom for wholesaler and export.
However, he missed a lot of his time to be spent with his only daughter and wife. Even he missed her daughter birthday bash, each time they throw a party for her daughter because he was too busy expanding the business to generate more money for the family. Even, the present for her daughter was bought by his friend, Alan who has reminded him to hand over the gift to his daughter.
Until one day, the wife was so pissed off with him when he broke his promises he made with her and their daughter. They were arguing on the phone while her wife was driving, and the fate was there, her wife with their daughter involved in an accident. Her daughter survived but his wife. However, he managed to talk to his wife just before his wife passed away and promise her to take very good care of their daughter.
Since that day, he changed. He always be there for her daughter. Always, even when his daughter got school activity, he will also be there as well. They were like twins, wherever they went, there will be two of them. Until the girl reaches a time where she had to further her study to university.
He left her life, never thought of having fun of himself, only looking forward to take care of her daughter. I would say, he became overprotective. He was so, because he was so regret for what had happened in the past. He always thought, all that happened because of him not really much care of his wife and daughter and never listened to his wife when his wife advice him for a good thing for him.
He felt guilt. The guilt changes him to a different person overall. He left his business management to his two other friends and only taking care of his daughter.
Lesson learnt here, we should appreciate what ever we have now, our next of kin before it is going to be so late, either they changed or gone forever. Money cannot buy everything eventhough money is something to make a living. It is our own call, we made the decision, we faced the situation and we get the result out of it.
So, papa, don't be like "papadom"
The story began as a hawker who sells "nasi kandar" in an alley in Penang. her wife was heavily pregnant with the first child. The paradigm changes after their daughter was born. The hawker, Saadom is really famous with his papadom, a snack that we used to eat with nasi beriyani, nasi kandar, and it is homemade. Together with his friends, a chinese, Alan and an indian, Ali, they build a business plan which made them richer and richer. The business grew very well, expanded to oversea and they even had a factory to produce papadom for wholesaler and export.
However, he missed a lot of his time to be spent with his only daughter and wife. Even he missed her daughter birthday bash, each time they throw a party for her daughter because he was too busy expanding the business to generate more money for the family. Even, the present for her daughter was bought by his friend, Alan who has reminded him to hand over the gift to his daughter.
Until one day, the wife was so pissed off with him when he broke his promises he made with her and their daughter. They were arguing on the phone while her wife was driving, and the fate was there, her wife with their daughter involved in an accident. Her daughter survived but his wife. However, he managed to talk to his wife just before his wife passed away and promise her to take very good care of their daughter.
Since that day, he changed. He always be there for her daughter. Always, even when his daughter got school activity, he will also be there as well. They were like twins, wherever they went, there will be two of them. Until the girl reaches a time where she had to further her study to university.
He left her life, never thought of having fun of himself, only looking forward to take care of her daughter. I would say, he became overprotective. He was so, because he was so regret for what had happened in the past. He always thought, all that happened because of him not really much care of his wife and daughter and never listened to his wife when his wife advice him for a good thing for him.
He felt guilt. The guilt changes him to a different person overall. He left his business management to his two other friends and only taking care of his daughter.
Lesson learnt here, we should appreciate what ever we have now, our next of kin before it is going to be so late, either they changed or gone forever. Money cannot buy everything eventhough money is something to make a living. It is our own call, we made the decision, we faced the situation and we get the result out of it.
So, papa, don't be like "papadom"
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Scene 1:
Aqil: Mama, nak adik!
Mama: Nak berapa org?
Aqil: Nak lagi 1 jer, nk perempuan..
Mama: OK, nnt ty papa..
Scene 2:
Aqil: Mama, kiter nk adik 2 jer.
Mama: 2 jer? 3 xnak?
Aqil: Xnak, nk 2 jer, nk perempuan 1 (sambil tunjuk 3 jari die)
Mama: Hmm..ok...nantilah yer...
Scene 3:
Aqil: Mama, kiter xnak adik dah!
Mama: Nape, ritu kata nk adik lagi 1..
Aqil: Xnak, adik ni naughty, gigit kiter..
Mama: Laa...
Scene 4:
Aqil: Mama, kiter nk tuka adik, asif ni xbestlah..
Mama: Aqil nk adik aper?
Aqil: Urmmm..nak adik Ben10 kecik...
Mama: ???
p/s: ayat perbualan mungkin diubah sket, sbb dah igt2 lupa..eheheh..
Aqil: Mama, nak adik!
Mama: Nak berapa org?
Aqil: Nak lagi 1 jer, nk perempuan..
Mama: OK, nnt ty papa..
Scene 2:
Aqil: Mama, kiter nk adik 2 jer.
Mama: 2 jer? 3 xnak?
Aqil: Xnak, nk 2 jer, nk perempuan 1 (sambil tunjuk 3 jari die)
Mama: Hmm..ok...nantilah yer...
Scene 3:
Aqil: Mama, kiter xnak adik dah!
Mama: Nape, ritu kata nk adik lagi 1..
Aqil: Xnak, adik ni naughty, gigit kiter..
Mama: Laa...
Scene 4:
Aqil: Mama, kiter nk tuka adik, asif ni xbestlah..
Mama: Aqil nk adik aper?
Aqil: Urmmm..nak adik Ben10 kecik...
Mama: ???
p/s: ayat perbualan mungkin diubah sket, sbb dah igt2 lupa..eheheh..
Monday, January 10, 2011
Geramnyer! Hari ni hari emo!
Pasalnye, kes saya xdpt elaun sebulan ms study dulu masih lom setel lg oleh MARA. Senang2 je ckp, bank xpulangkan cek. So, do I still need to pay for the reduced amount yg I xconsume tu? RM500 over pon..but it is still an amount...lepas byr yuran skolah Aqil dgn Asif sket...Pehtu, xde pulak daya usehe nk mereducekn jumlah loan tu...still the same seolah2 saya mmg dpt duit tu? Masalahnya xdpt, yilek, podecik..xda..nk suh sy bersumpah ke?? Saya cek berkali2 dlm account RBS sy, mmg xdak, siap cek tiap2 bulan pas balik mesia...still xdak...mana duit tu? sape curikkkk????????
And the worst part was, I dah bagi ample time, sgt lamaaaaa hokey...since Jun 2009 until now, xsettle2!..Janji will look at it, but..hampeh hokey!!! Ape ni??? Kata MARA terus mara, tp where the integrity??? Masalah ni bukan saya sorg...MARA London ckp, 2-3 org...xtahu la diorg dh setel ke blum...eiyyy...geram! Ritu iyer2 berjanji...nnt diorg kasi cek dlm RM nk ganti duit yg xdpt tu....helo2...GB920 ok yg saya xdpt tuuuuu......byk ke siket...dpt lepas byr lawyer fees dgns tamp duty utk MOT tau!
You never know camne saya saving ms study dulu sbb nk byr ticket flight yg your team booked at very last minute for my son! Tu pon kiterg dh request 2 bulan awal, tp seriusly, frustrating, you all xbuat ape2, lagi one week, we call ty where's the ticket, baru kelam kelibut nk book and gosh, ms tu ade cuti ape tah kt GB, tiket sold out...senang2 u suh kiterg balik awal...Hello, kiterg ade presentation lah on that day! Salah sape??? Sape yg xbook tiket awal, solve the bila ketuk baru nk buat...haih...geram betul mak hari ni bile igtkn balik...bygkn kene bli tiket 1st class utk budak tecit...bygkn!!!!! Tapi kiterg sabar..ckp pon lembut2...xmrh2...kang mahu nyer xdibeli tiket utk kiterg terus...haaaa..nanges.....xpsl kene masuk jail kt GB tu....psl VISA dh expired!
Mmg saket hati bile hubby dpt elaun, kita xdpt. Down tahu tak, dok pk, owh..balik..nk kene cover cost yg byk! Then nnt nk byr balik, at least duit from jimat2 tu dptlah bercambah sikit2 kalau simpan kt unit trust.
Lama sgt tunggu, mmg keciwa sgt2 sbb xde tindakan susulan dibuat. Tu pon nk kene tunggu org talipon, ty update, email, jgn hrp la nk lyn, mcm email masuk tong sampah jer. Hampeh xhampeh!
Saya xkisah saya xdpt duit tu..tolong lah reducekan amoun loan saya ikot berapa yg saya terima...bukan ikot berapa nilai cek yg dikeluarkn...tolonglah!!!!!
Pasalnye, kes saya xdpt elaun sebulan ms study dulu masih lom setel lg oleh MARA. Senang2 je ckp, bank xpulangkan cek. So, do I still need to pay for the reduced amount yg I xconsume tu? RM500 over pon..but it is still an amount...lepas byr yuran skolah Aqil dgn Asif sket...Pehtu, xde pulak daya usehe nk mereducekn jumlah loan tu...still the same seolah2 saya mmg dpt duit tu? Masalahnya xdpt, yilek, podecik..xda..nk suh sy bersumpah ke?? Saya cek berkali2 dlm account RBS sy, mmg xdak, siap cek tiap2 bulan pas balik mesia...still xdak...mana duit tu? sape curikkkk????????
And the worst part was, I dah bagi ample time, sgt lamaaaaa hokey...since Jun 2009 until now, xsettle2!..Janji will look at it, but..hampeh hokey!!! Ape ni??? Kata MARA terus mara, tp where the integrity??? Masalah ni bukan saya sorg...MARA London ckp, 2-3 org...xtahu la diorg dh setel ke blum...eiyyy...geram! Ritu iyer2 berjanji...nnt diorg kasi cek dlm RM nk ganti duit yg xdpt tu....helo2...GB920 ok yg saya xdpt tuuuuu......byk ke siket...dpt lepas byr lawyer fees dgns tamp duty utk MOT tau!
You never know camne saya saving ms study dulu sbb nk byr ticket flight yg your team booked at very last minute for my son! Tu pon kiterg dh request 2 bulan awal, tp seriusly, frustrating, you all xbuat ape2, lagi one week, we call ty where's the ticket, baru kelam kelibut nk book and gosh, ms tu ade cuti ape tah kt GB, tiket sold out...senang2 u suh kiterg balik awal...Hello, kiterg ade presentation lah on that day! Salah sape??? Sape yg xbook tiket awal, solve the bila ketuk baru nk buat...haih...geram betul mak hari ni bile igtkn balik...bygkn kene bli tiket 1st class utk budak tecit...bygkn!!!!! Tapi kiterg sabar..ckp pon lembut2...xmrh2...kang mahu nyer xdibeli tiket utk kiterg terus...haaaa..nanges.....xpsl kene masuk jail kt GB tu....psl VISA dh expired!
Mmg saket hati bile hubby dpt elaun, kita xdpt. Down tahu tak, dok pk, owh..balik..nk kene cover cost yg byk! Then nnt nk byr balik, at least duit from jimat2 tu dptlah bercambah sikit2 kalau simpan kt unit trust.
Lama sgt tunggu, mmg keciwa sgt2 sbb xde tindakan susulan dibuat. Tu pon nk kene tunggu org talipon, ty update, email, jgn hrp la nk lyn, mcm email masuk tong sampah jer. Hampeh xhampeh!
Saya xkisah saya xdpt duit tu..tolong lah reducekan amoun loan saya ikot berapa yg saya terima...bukan ikot berapa nilai cek yg dikeluarkn...tolonglah!!!!!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Under wear
Having a toddler that is BEN 10 fan is really exhausting! Every stuff must've got to connected with BEN 10 or unless, he rebels!
SO, in order to reward him for being diaperless, I bought him a lot of BEN10 stuffs for him to get more excited of being an adult toddler! Before I bought at MotherCare and guess what, the cutting was for girls! (Bazir duit aku jer~) Lucky that I bought a bigger size so, still can fit him. It was written for boys but at home, it turns out for girls..LOL! (silap xcheck dulu before byr, nk pulang kan..packaging dah koyak rabak..huhu)
And I found this, the alien force them mini brief at Parkson. Lucky him! because he already had the Ben10 ultimate alien mini brief (he called Ben10 kecik), and always asked for Ben10 Alien force which previously i bought at mothercare but poor cutting. SO, here go the replacement..
SO, in order to reward him for being diaperless, I bought him a lot of BEN10 stuffs for him to get more excited of being an adult toddler! Before I bought at MotherCare and guess what, the cutting was for girls! (Bazir duit aku jer~) Lucky that I bought a bigger size so, still can fit him. It was written for boys but at home, it turns out for girls..LOL! (silap xcheck dulu before byr, nk pulang kan..packaging dah koyak rabak..huhu)

p/s: Aqil is fully diaperless and very well adapting to it! Now he is an adult child! Very proud of him!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
I want him to look cool!
It's lice again! I am very frustrated with the school. This is like the 2nd wave of lice in the school. And know what, the only solution they've suggested was, get the haircut until bald! OMG.! This is really a nightmare for me!
Last time, we did that. And guess what, I can't even look at my own son because I felt really annoying seeing him bald! He looks like a very naughty boy with that cheeky face. As the result, I've always get angry with him even for small tiny issue because I did not feel happy seeing him with short haircut. (Dah macam askar kanak...nampak nakal sgt!)
And this time around, I will not allowed any hair cut, just the hair trim. And I put the insecticide on his head to kill the lice. And I remove the empty nits myself from his head.
I did some research and just knew, that the nits will hatch in 2 weeks time. And last 2 weeks, he was in his school. I don't know how the school management maintain the child hygiene or the study place hygiene. I really doubt it actually. I never came in side the study area, never been allowed to actually as the reason was, will disturbed the learning process if I entered during school hours.
So, I trim his hair and he looks cuter now, (come on, he is only 4, must've look cute right?). I told him not to exchange hat with friends, or head banging with friends while playing or sleep head-to-head with friends on the couch, or sharing towel with others. I really hope he got my message and I believe he is because I trust in my son very much! He is turning into a responsible person day by day (hasil kene sound dgn mama hari2..). Really proud of him, he learnt his lesson very well!
Aqil really wants to change school. He asked for it so many time until I don't know how to response anymore. If it wasn't because of the rat race everyday I have to endure, he doesn't have to study there anymore. I am so sorry Aqil, I just wish I can be a supermom, but I can't. It is beyond my capability.
Last time, we did that. And guess what, I can't even look at my own son because I felt really annoying seeing him bald! He looks like a very naughty boy with that cheeky face. As the result, I've always get angry with him even for small tiny issue because I did not feel happy seeing him with short haircut. (Dah macam askar kanak...nampak nakal sgt!)
And this time around, I will not allowed any hair cut, just the hair trim. And I put the insecticide on his head to kill the lice. And I remove the empty nits myself from his head.
I did some research and just knew, that the nits will hatch in 2 weeks time. And last 2 weeks, he was in his school. I don't know how the school management maintain the child hygiene or the study place hygiene. I really doubt it actually. I never came in side the study area, never been allowed to actually as the reason was, will disturbed the learning process if I entered during school hours.
So, I trim his hair and he looks cuter now, (come on, he is only 4, must've look cute right?). I told him not to exchange hat with friends, or head banging with friends while playing or sleep head-to-head with friends on the couch, or sharing towel with others. I really hope he got my message and I believe he is because I trust in my son very much! He is turning into a responsible person day by day (hasil kene sound dgn mama hari2..). Really proud of him, he learnt his lesson very well!
Aqil really wants to change school. He asked for it so many time until I don't know how to response anymore. If it wasn't because of the rat race everyday I have to endure, he doesn't have to study there anymore. I am so sorry Aqil, I just wish I can be a supermom, but I can't. It is beyond my capability.
Friday, January 7, 2011
My friend asked me for lunch. Then suddenly, i thought of having it at KFC since I really enjoy my chicken whenever I eat with her.. sedap giler ayam...berselera betul! So, off we went to KFC.
Luckily there were not so many people queuing, since it was Friday and many men were already went to mosque for tazkirah before the Friday Solah.
While queuing, there came a lady approached us with the new KFC Snax card. I've already read somewhere about this card but since I am not always eating out at KFC, so I do not really ponder about it! Then, I thought the card will charge a fee. And guess what, it is free for the whole life. So, we signed up for the card! Easy, they approached us and we got the card! But the card can only be used after we receive a confirmation email from them!
The best part was, it's not only offer the free card, but together with the free snack menu + 1 drink. It is only offer for the on ground recruitment. Lucky us, it is going to valid until 28th February! Yes, I think I will be using it on my birthday then on the 26th! Just a sweet birthday treat for myself! (am going to celebrate it alone...again!..hmmphhh)
So, if you happened to get this offer, just grabbed it! It's free and for the whole life. You can earn points and redeem the points for KFC meals!
p/s: Now, I am addicted for the Megamix Snackplate! - served with Iced lemon tea! Scrumptious delicious!!! Nyummmm
Luckily there were not so many people queuing, since it was Friday and many men were already went to mosque for tazkirah before the Friday Solah.
While queuing, there came a lady approached us with the new KFC Snax card. I've already read somewhere about this card but since I am not always eating out at KFC, so I do not really ponder about it! Then, I thought the card will charge a fee. And guess what, it is free for the whole life. So, we signed up for the card! Easy, they approached us and we got the card! But the card can only be used after we receive a confirmation email from them!


p/s: Now, I am addicted for the Megamix Snackplate! - served with Iced lemon tea! Scrumptious delicious!!! Nyummmm
How to Fully BF
How did I do well in ensuring 100% boobyfed for my babies. Many would think, oh yes, i am gifted with plenty of milk! yes, part of it quite true, rezeki tu dtg dr Allah s.w.t...but, determination and effort also must come with it. It is the same concept when your looking jobs. Think back, does it come so easily without any effort??For some people, may be things come easy to him/her but they did not realise that they already put some effort to get those things, if not that much..must be a little...Right?
OK, back to routine when I return to work. It all started 4 years ago, I was having a newborn of my first child. I was so determined to fully breastfeed him until he reaches 2 years old. Yes, I've always set a target way before the baby was born. As I will take every effort to ensure my target is reachable!
And of course, inspirations from successful mothers, really overwhelmed my eagerness to experience it myself! I read in mothers forum, I read books, I read articles and attend antenatal classes to ensure I really get the whole story of breastfeeding before I started!It is more inspirational when you get the experience from the people who are in the same line with you, I mean, engineers because at that time, I was an engineer.
OK, enough bebel! It's pumpingtime!!!!! Yes, set your time, when is actually you want to express out your milk. I would advise you to do it twice a day at office, one in the morning, and one in the afternoon. But, depends on how much ounces you aim to collect on that day. Set a target, before you start pumping. That's the way I do!
Don't forget to get plenty of water. It helps you a lot, easy let down and plenty of milk will come out will suprised!! (yesterday I got more than expected, you know! Alhamdulillah..HAPPY!)
And, the gadgets. Yes, you need the pumpin gear. Cleaned and sterilised. Bottle to store the expressed milk. And also the ice pack if you don't have fridge in your office to ensure that the ebm is kept cool until you reach home! I've always bring my icepack since the pantry is far away from my desk! Hehe..and I've read somewhere that you don't need to actually sterilised everytime you want to repeat your pumping session if you already store your pump in the cool temperature. But, if you unsure about it, just go an sterilised by submerge all the gears into hot water at the pantry.
Then, zip the bag, this is my carrier bag, it looks like lcd projecter bag. Many has mistakenly thought that I was carrying the lcd bag and asked me, "Ada meeting ke?"..:)

OK, back to routine when I return to work. It all started 4 years ago, I was having a newborn of my first child. I was so determined to fully breastfeed him until he reaches 2 years old. Yes, I've always set a target way before the baby was born. As I will take every effort to ensure my target is reachable!
And of course, inspirations from successful mothers, really overwhelmed my eagerness to experience it myself! I read in mothers forum, I read books, I read articles and attend antenatal classes to ensure I really get the whole story of breastfeeding before I started!It is more inspirational when you get the experience from the people who are in the same line with you, I mean, engineers because at that time, I was an engineer.
OK, enough bebel! It's pumpingtime!!!!! Yes, set your time, when is actually you want to express out your milk. I would advise you to do it twice a day at office, one in the morning, and one in the afternoon. But, depends on how much ounces you aim to collect on that day. Set a target, before you start pumping. That's the way I do!




I put my carrier bag inside my bagpack. Easy for me to get mobile and very convenient anyway, I've also put my handbag (before, now I don't carry handbag to office, not practical anyway) in the bagpack and I have freehand with me which I usually used to carry my Asif..*wink*wink


Yeah, that's my routine on weekdays during officetime. In addition to that, you also need to be very positive that your milk is readily available at all time. If you think your milk is less, then it will be less. That is the difficult part actually, to maintain positive thinking at all time. I do face some hiccups time but alhamdulillah, this 2nd experience is pretty much easier than the 1st time experience.
I am pro breastfeeding, am not lactation counselor and am not condemning FM. However, I do feel a bit sorry to those which always find excuses that they cannot BF. Well, it is your choice anyway. But believe me, BF is the most exciting thing in the world for mothers. I would say " rugi 1 nikmat hidup kt dunia"
Thursday, January 6, 2011
I I wish..
I wish I had superheroes power...just like Ben Tennyson, can transform into any alien that would make life easier...






Ohh, this is also nice, as currently my lappy is always broken...if I turn into Upgrade, then I can DIY the upgrading of my laptop...yes!

This is good too, I could turn into Ditto and get myself multiplied to attend both kids at the same time...
 wish...but I am Aqil said..."Mama, Ben10 tak wujudkan Mama.." Yes, he is right...I can only dreamt that I had the superheroes power just like Ben10...
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Mini Sausage Bun

Tadaaaaaaaaaaaaa...chumil x roti saya???
Ala....ckp jelah chumil...rase?? hehe...tuan die lg chumil dr rasa die kottt...ehehehe...
Actually, I was planning to make pizza for Aqil, but ended up making these mini sausage bun! Owh...recipe?? I took it from here...clearly it was for pizza making...
Why I said so? Because the texture is pizza texture at the end. hehe..But when eat it while it is still hot...tapiiii...bila sejuk...urmmm...die agak keliatan sket...but still cambest jer mkn...sbb die manis2 sket...siket jer...betull....just nice!
Ehehe....igt saya larat ke nk menguli???? Tangan bertepung...campur muka berbedak tepung???...NO..NO..NO...
I utilised my breadmaker at last! Haaa...saya ada breadmaker...saya beli kt UK...saya beli extra....1 jual kt customer...1...ade lah..sorg ni..yg pandai wat kuih/muih ni....pesan kat saya....:)
Ha.....senang sgt rupanya gune breadmaker...I kept thinking it's going to be damn easy...and save my time a would you done with 1 hours plus kneading the dough???...hahaha...mau tgn terkehel...jari jemari kut tercabut....dahla kurus kering kn!...tihih...
Dough die sedikit lembut dan gune tepung ms nk membalut sosej2 melekat2 kt tgn...pehtu...zapppp...masuk oven..bakar...haih...suka tul oven ni...just nice utk saya...dan keluarga mini saya nih...ehehe...
Ha..skang dh penuh dapur bersusun oven, breadmaker...pasni xmasuk mixer lg....kene clearkn dulu kitchen top tu....ehehe...ooopssss...terpecah rahsie yg kitchen saya bersepahhhhh....hahah...sgt disorganize...
p/s: Saya ada hobi baru....nnt saya cite kendian yek!!!...ehehe...*wink*wink
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
What's with New Year 2011?
What do I think about new year?
It's only another year...I will becoming 29th in two months time..time flies...and I'm getting old...
So, basically, we cannot stop the time..we cannot turn back time...time will always go forward and never return...
What is it to do with me?
and the most importantly...
Happy New Year Everyone!!..
Hope it is not too late to still wishing you a happy prosperous
Hopefully for all of us!
Apam Beras

Teruja tak tgk color kuih di atas??
Haa...Ni ler aktiviti saya di rumah sbb kebosanan xtahu nk buat ape kan...Nak tgk tv pon, Aqil dah conquer...xley nk tuka channel lain..mau die tarik muka 1000...xpun rebel dlm rumah..yg mana saya dh xbuleh nk thn sabar dgn sikap rebellious die...(budak2...tau ajelah thp mengamuk die..)
So, utk mengisi masa pon mencari2 resepi Apam Beras ni kt sini. Tapi saya separuhkan sume ingredients die sbb yg nk mkn nyer cume 2 org kecil dan 1 org besar jer kt rumah tu..lagipon, ini hanya percubaan shj.
Resepi suh perap 3 jam, tp ms first time buat, saya xperap lama pon, sejam je kot...and di atas tu lah hasil nya...then, kelmarin, saya buat sekali lagi utk bekal Aqil, die ckp nk bwk g skolah, nk share dgn kawan2 katanya, jadi gigih la saya perap 3 jam...nk tgk ape kelainan hasilnya? Siap kunci jam nk bgn semula psl sy bancuh bhn2 waktu mlm ms budak2 dh masuk tido...
Kemudian, hasilnya...lebih kurang jer...atau mungkin saya tersalah nampak...sarangnya lebih siket la....dan lebih moist n selamat la dibwk bekal Aqil kesemuanya tolak 2 (1 saya mkn, 1 saya kasi Asif mkn)
Petangnya, slps amik Aqil dr skolah, masih ade berbaki 4 biji, yg mana Aqil ckp, tu die punya sbb sy letak dlm bekas...dan sy mkn lg 1 dan kasi Asif lg 1.
Rasa die cam ada rs tapai2 siket tp xler terlalu 'ketapaian'. Just nice, nk kurang manis...kurangkn gula...Oh ya...saya xguna brown sugar pon psl nnt jadi kaler cume gune gula putih jer...:)
Happy trying!!
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